[Chapter Fifteen]

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It was the next day. The woman hadn't sleep the rest of the night after having that strange dream. She got up and her father had unlocked her door. Alyndra came down and sat at the table and ate breakfast with Noah and her father. Silence filled the room. As she ate her toast and eggs, She felt a strange sensation come over her and she fell to the ground.

" Alyndra!" Beorn yelled as he ran over to his daughters side. Her hands were holding her head in pain as she let out whimpers of pain. Her eyes filled with fire, the dwarves were stuck in trees on the edge of a cliff. Wargs surrounded them. Blood, began to run down her nose as it got more intense. Beorn held his daughter and then he saw the fear that filled her eyes. She saw him, someone she had believed to be dead the pale orc and Thorin laying on the ground unconscious or worse dead, she didn't know.

The pain in her head had stopped and she slumped back against her father panting. Alyndra slowly lifted her hand to her nose and felt the fresh blood. Alyndra looked at her father confused. " What's happening to me?" Beorn let out a sigh, having a good idea what was happening. He wondered when this day would come, if it ever would.

" You had a vision." Beorn stated. " Is this your first one or has their been others?" Her eyes looked to the floor. They hadn't started until she came to Rivendell. Her eyes widen, now realizing the dream she had that night was no dream at all, it was a vision warning her that she was going to be struck with an arrow in the chest, she just didn't have a clue when or where and then last nights dream about the dwarves and now this recent one. The dwarves and Thorin were in trouble. She had to leave now.

" No. They started in Rivendell. I had a dream that I was going to be impaled by an arrow, but I thought it was nothing more than a nightmare. Last night I had another dream. The company I was travelling with are in trouble, I have to leave now." She pressed. Beorn looked at her strangely, she was avoiding telling him who these 'others' were that she had been accompanying before she was viciously wounded.

" Your mother had visions too. I was hoping they wouldn't pass on to you. They put her in so much pain when they would come on. She got them at all hours of the day and night. She got nose bleeds from them too. I should have known. You were born with her animal ability, it makes sense that you would get her visions as well." Beorn explained, shaking his head, not wanting to remember such a terrible time in his life.

" Father please I have to go. If I don't someone I care for is going to be attacked by the pale orc." She stated, feeling a tear roll down her face. Beorn didn't seem at all shocked the pale orc was still alive. The truth was he knew for a long time but didn't want Alyndra to know, fearing she would seek him out for revenge and he couldn't live with the fact if anything should happen to her.

" It's too dangerous."

" I'll have the other eagles with me. I'll be alright." She promised. The man finally nodded. Alyndra hugged her father and promised to have the other eagles send word too him when she and the others were safe. The eagles had been staying near the skin changers home, for protection until she was well again and she went to inform them and they left in the skies and Alyndra hoped they were not too late.

Back in the cave, the dwarves had fallen through the cave floor and were captured by goblins that brought them before their king. The hideous goblin had ordered his minions to kill the dwarf, when they were saved by the wizard who had shown up just in time. The ran through Goblin-town, killing the goblin king and barely escaping if it wasn't for daylight. Once they were a far distance from the cave the wizard began counting to make sure everyone was accounted for but he realized they were two short.

"Where's Bilbo?" Gandalf demanded. "Where's Alyndra?" He pressed, looking straight at Thorin, who had guilt written all over his face.

"The eagles came for her a few days ago. We will not be seeing Alyndra again." Thorin muttered.


"Because, he tried to kill her." Thorin snapped, pointing at Dwalin.

"Why would you attack her you fool!" Gandalf hissed.

"She should have told us what she was!" Dwalin growled ,when Thorin shoved him against a tree, clutching his clothing.

"So you attacked her, like she was a filthy orc!" Thorin yelled as he shoved him.

"Where is Bilbo?" Gandalf asked again.

"The hobbit is gone, we probably wont ever see him again. He is long gone." Thorin snapped only to be proved wrong and the hobbit had come back. But they were soon running for their lives once again as the sounds of howls alerted them to the danger they were now in.

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