[Chapter Thirteen]

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Alyndra didn't make it far and she landed in the trees and changed back to her human form and put her clothes on. The sun was slowly rising over the peaks of the mountain. The woman jumped out of the tree and landed on the ground, she decided it would be best to walk on foot to clear her head of what had just happened. "Alyndra." The skin changer froze and turned around to see the wizard standing behind her.

" Gandalf? What are you doing here?"

" I could ask you the same thing." The wizard barked back.

" I am done with this quest. I can't go back."

" Alyndra those dwarves need your help. Thorin needs you. He misses you already. " The wizard explain. The woman wondered how he knew about her and Thorin, but then again he was a wizard.

" The last person he wants to see is me. I showed him who I really was and he couldn't even talk to me. He was frightened of me." She snapped, not wanting to talk about this as a tear rolled down her face.

" Alyndra, he was just confused. You know he cares for you. You can see it in his eyes and I know you do too."

" Why aren't you with them? "Alyndra growled.

" Because I have a few things I have to do first before returning," The wizard insisted. Alyndra sighed.

" Fine ill go back but once you return I'm gone."The wizard nodded and he was suddenly gone. She ran her hands in her hair. She was back in the sky. It didn't take long for her to catch up to the dwarves they were traveling through a rocky plain, they were at least a days travel away from the misty mountains. She decided to stay up in the sky above, She was not ready to face Thorin.

Thorin had been distant from everyone since they started the days journey. The dwarves and Bilbo had wondered what happened to the woman, when they noticed she wasn't among them in the morning. Thorin let out a brief mumble to them all that she was gone and never coming back and since then he hadn't spoken to any of them, not even Balin. Dwalin was glad she was gone, he was suspicious of her from the start and didn't like her one bit.

Most of the other dwarves had grown fond of her and found her quite funny, especially when they would witness their prince and her arguing with each other and they found their days journey rather dull. The eagle glided over the company who seem unaware of her presences, the sky was starting to fill with dark clouds and it began raining the dwarves grumbled their annoyance at the weather and tried to keep their supplies dry.

Dwalin glanced up at the sky only to look twice till he noticed the giant bird. He recognized it from seeing it from when they first left the Shire, all the way to Rivendell. He stopped in his tracks and readied an arrow. None of the others had noticed expect for Kili and he came to the warriors side." What's going on Dwalin?" Kili asked. Dwalin continued to watch the creature, it was too much of a coincidence that it had shown up exactly where they were again.

" I've seen that eagle before, it's following us." Kili glance up at the sky and saw the animal and thought nothing of it, other than the warrior being paranoid.

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