[Chapter Nine]

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It was getting closer. The skin-changer's grip tightened around her weapon. Eye's focused, the sound of rapid footsteps left them all tense when an odd slay came into view being pulled by over-sized rabbits. Alyndra recognized them immediately, including the driver when he screech something terrible. " Thieves! Fire! Murder!" The old man yanked the sled to a halt. Alyndra eyes narrowed, wondering what he was doing this far south. He looked at them with wild eyes, under is disgusting hat with his matching robes. The woman stepped forward, curious as to why he was here, was her father in trouble, or the others?

" Radagast?" The old man turned and looked at the woman, surprised to see her in these parts.

" Alyndra. What are you doing here?" the wizard questioned.

" I could ask you the same thing." Alyndra pressed. The dwarves were looking at the woman confused, wondering how she had come to know this strange man.

" I was actually looking for you Gandalf, but Alyndra shouldn't you be with--" Radagast stopped when he saw her shaky her head at him to stop before he said anything.

" Shouldn't she be where?" Dwalin asked, shooting the woman a glare and then back to the wizard. She was hiding something and he clearly knew.

" My mistake. Gandalf something is wrong, something is terribly wrong." the wizard went on, before the warrior could question him further.

" Yes?" Gandalf said, urging him to continue. The odd wizard went to speak but no words came out. He went to try again, but still nothing. Alyndra sighed and raised a hand to her forehead and scratched it. Radagast was like family to her, but sometimes she wondered about him. The two wizards went off to discuss matters further in private. The woman had wandered off a bit when someone grabbed her by the arm and turned her around.

"Where are you going?" The prince asked her.

" Nowhere just...never mind."

" What did the wizard mean? Were you supposed to be somewhere else, then on this quest with us?" She was so confused with this dwarf. He was talking to her as if he wanted her here with them and yet he didn't quite trust her, but she heard the concern in his gruff voice, that was still causing her to melt inside, which was just making her more confused and unsure of herself.

"Please Thorin, don't ask. It's something I don't want to share." She said glumly. He nodded that he understood when it came to personal things you didn't want others to know about, He was about to say something else when a sudden howl was heard.

" Was that a wolf?" The hobbit asked, startled feeling tense.

"Wolf. No that's not a wolf." Alyndra answered, knowing all too well what evil creature made that sound. A growl is heard next from behind the dwarves as it leaps towards the woman and Thorin stabs it with his blade, killing it instantly." Look out!" She yelled when another one comes from behind Thorin. Kili aims an arrow at it and brings it down, with the help of Dwalin finishing it off.

" Warg scouts. Which means an orc pack is not far behind us." Thorin growled. The dwarves sighed, they had barely escaped from three trolls and now they were being hunted by orcs.

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