[Chapter Twenty Four]

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It was a quiet ride across the lake. The mist was moving in, making it harder to see even an inch in front of their faces and it was also growing colder. Alyndra sat beside the other dwarves, while Thorin stood, keeping an eye on things ahead. " Watch out!" Bofur yelled, when he saw giant rock ruins in the middle of the lake. The man maneuvered around them, like he already knew they were there.

" What are you trying to do drown us." Thorin growled at the bowman.

" I was born and breed on these waters master dwarf, if I wanted to drown you I would not do it here." The man hissed back and the two of them glared at each other.

" I've had enough of this lippy lakeman." Dwalin complained. " I say we toss him over the side and be done with him."

" Is their nothing, but hatred in you?" Alyndra questioned, annoyed with this dwarf's animosity towards everything and everyone. Dwalin sighed not wanting to talk to her, and he rested his arms on the edge of a barrel as Thorin joined beside her.

" I still say we get rid of the lakeman." Dwalin insisted.

" Oh Bard, his name's Bard." Bilbo interrupted in annoyance with the dwarf. Alyndra was surprised the hobbit had the nerve to stand up to the dwarf.

" I don't care what he calls himself, I don't like him." Dwalin protested.

" You don't have to like him. We simply have to pay him." Balin stated. " Come on lads empty your pockets." The dwarves began emptying their pockets. Alyndra reached into her pocket and placed her coins in Thorin's hand. He didn't want her to waste her money to help pay for their way across, but she insisted on helping and that it wasn't a problem.

" I promise I'll pay you back, when we reclaim the mountain." Thorin promised her.

" Thorin that is not necessary." She insisted to him, and she kissed him on the cheek.

" We have wee problem lads." Balin suddenly spoke up, after counting the stacks of coins twice." Were ten coins short." Thorin let out a sigh and folded his arms and looked at one dwarf in particular.

" Gloin. Come on, give us what you have." Thorin demanded.

" Don't look at me. I have been bled dry by this venture. What have I seen for my investment? Nothing but grief and misery...." The dwarves were no longer listening to Gloin's whining, but distracted by the mountain itself. Alyndra even found it breath taking to see it for the first time.The hobbit let out an awkward cough.

" The money. Quick give it to me now." Bard ordered.

" We will pay you when we get our provisions but not before." Thorin pressed.

" If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say. Their are guards ahead."

" What do we do then?" Alyndra asked, seeing he was being serious. They saw through the fog approaching docks with guards. The bowman suggested they get into the barrels before the barge arrived at the docks. The dwarves didn't even attempt to argue with this suggestion and began scrambling over to the barrels and climbing into the barrels. Some having more difficulties then others. Thorin was already in a barrel and popped his head out to make sure the others were in there's he was just about to go back down when he saw the young woman still trying to find somewhere to hide.

" You need to hurry!" Bard hissed at her. The skin changer panicked not sure what to do, all the barrels were occupied.

" Alyndra." Thorin called to her and she turned around to see him waving his hand for to run. The barge was seconds from hitting the docks and the guards would surely see her. She got to the barrel and Thorin yanked her into his barrel and she landed on his lap, pressed up against his chest. They heard the man get off the boat and they wondered what was happening.

" What's he doing?" Dwalin asked. Bilbo had a clear view of the docks and he peered through the hole.

" He's talking to someone." The hobbit stated. " He's pointing right at us." Bilbo panicked. " Now their shaking hands.

" What!?" Thorin growled and the woman's heart began racing.

" The villain. He's selling us out." Dwalin snapped. They heard approaching heavy footsteps coming on the barge, and chains rattling. Alyndra was breathing unsteadily and the dwarf held her against his chest so she wouldn't be heard and they were hit with a number of slimy, cold dead fish and the woman let out a groan of discuss as they got buried in them.

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