[Chapter Twenty One]

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It was the next morning. The woman opened her eyes and looked up to see Thorin still sound asleep. She shifted in her position and climbed off the bed, with the sheet covering her and she wandered over, to look out the window. The sun was just starting to come up. She felt arms wrap around, pulling her back against his chest and she smiled, as he kissed the side of her neck, and she turned to look at him as he let out a sigh. " We have to leave today. " He muttered at her. She nodded and half smiled not wanting to leave.

She pulled him closer to her and pressed her lips against his. Thorin ran his hand along the side of her neck, down her arm all the way to her hips and the two of them were left breathless. Alyndra got dressed after she bathed and the two of them left the house. Thorin took her hand as the walked through the forest back to her house. " So how did you find this place?" Thorin asked.

"This used to be my mother's safe house....when she was alive. She would come here when I was younger so I wouldn't have to see her wounded." The skin-changer explained. Thorin noticed this had been difficult for her to tell him and he pulled her close to him and kissed the top of her head. They could see the others already outside with the ponies Beorn had allowed them to use until they reached the forest. The two of them decided it would be best to unlock hands so the others didn't feel awkward.

" And where were you two last night?" Kili questioned, smirking at his uncle.

" Never mind where we were." Thorin growled at his nephew, instantly making the young dwarf's smirk disappear and Alyndra shook her head and rolled her eyes.

" Oh I see. " Kili chuckled with his brother who had joined his side and Thorin smacked his youngest nephew on the side of the head. Alyndra had to slightly giggle when she saw Thorin face flush and she playfully smacked his chest and went to say her goodbyes to her father and brother not even bothering to help Thorin out of his predicament with his nephews that now had him cornered with questions.

" Aly, I don't want you to leave." Noah cried as he jumped into his sisters arms and hugged her tight.

" We'll see each other again soon Noah."

" Promise?" He asked her.

" I promise." She told him. Alyndra held her brother close and the tears came out and she quickly wiped them away. " I love you Noah."

" I love you too Aly." He kissed her cheek and she kissed him back and then it was time to say goodbye to her father. He held her tight.

" Be careful Alyndra and promise me you'll come back alive." Beorn begged her. Her tears had started up again, but even she knew that was a promise she may not be able to keep. She had no way of knowing if she would survive on this journey.

" I'll come back father. " She promised him. He finally let her go and she went to grab a few things to bring with her. Beorn saw Thorin and he stopped him.

" You keep my daughter safe." Beorn ordered him and Thorin nodded to him.

" You have my word. I wont let anything happen to her." Thorin said firmly and the Skin changer said no more and left to go talk with the wizard. Alyndra tied her satchel to the pony she chose. Thorin was sneaking up behind her, attempting to sneak another kiss in when he heard her sniffle. " Alyndra what's wrong?" He asked her turning her around.

" Its nothing. Just hard to say goodbye to them again." She confessed. He placed a hand gently on the side of her face making her looked at him.

" Alyndra I promise you will see them again." He leaned in and kissed her and then helped her up onto the pony. Thorin climbed on behind her and took the reigns. The woman's head snapped up when she heard the commotion of bird shrieks echoing through the air.

" What is it?"

"There close." She pressed. The wizard joined them climbing onto a horse and they were off. Alyndra looked behind her one last time and saw her little brother waving to her and she waved back and they disappeared over the hill. The made hast across the valley as swiftly as they could.

Alyndra saw the forest entrance was nearing. The came slowly to stop with the ponies. Gandalf was off his horse and walking over to the entrance that would lead them through Mirkwood.

" No sign of the orcs. Luck is on our side." Dwalin stated. The dwarves got off the ponies. Thorin helped Alyndra off.

" Release the ponies. Let them return to their master." Gandalf ordered, seeing the bear watching from a distance. The dwarves did as they were told and began removing their supplies the skin changer had graciously given them. Alyndra slowly walked forward. Looking at the forest with disgust and a bit of fear. Her kind feared this forest. She could hear all the echo's and screams of the trees and the monsters that waited in that forest.

Gandalf was explaining to the dwarves to stay on the path and too not leave it and that their was a stream that carried a heavy enchantment that would seek to enter their minds to lead them astray. Alyndra had been drowning out every word the wizard was saying. She hadn't turned away from the forest. She recalled a time when she was little, it was just after mother was killed she ran off and got lost in the woods and all she could remember were these giant ugly spiders about to eat her, but her father had found her just in time.

" Alyndra?" she heard someone calling her name. "Alyndra!" Thorin called again, shaking her and she turned and looked at him. She then noticed the wizard was already gone. "Are you alright?"

" I'm not going in there." She finally said. Thorin nodded, not needing an explanation he could hear the hint of fear in her voice. " I'll meet you on the other side of the bridge.

" Abandoning us are yah?" Dwalin grumbled as if he saw this coming.

" It's fine." Thorin barked back. " Be careful." He urged her. and she told the same to him and reminded him to make sure they crossed at the bridge and to stay on the path. She kissed him one last time and launched herself into the air and she began flying over the forest. Thorin and the others watched until she disappeared." Come. We must reached the mountain before Durin's Day." Thorin reminded them all and they entered the forest.

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