[Chapter Thirty One]

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Once the furnaces were lit, the dwarves bolted away from the gate. Now Thorin had to put the rest of his plan in action. His plan had worked this far, he couldn't have doubts now about it. " Bombur! Get those bellows working! Go!" Thorin pressed. The fat dwarf did as he was told and ran towards the bellows. The dwarf prince looked around seeing the dragon trying to bulldoze through the gate. "Bilbo! Up there. On my mark, pull that lever." Bilbo nodded and made hast towards the staircase and climbed up the steps all the way to the top. Alyndra's eyes widen as she saw the dragon nearly had the gate broken down. " Balin! Can you still mix a flash-flame?" Thorin asked the elder dwarf as the prince and the other dwarves continued to back away from the gate.

"Aye. It'll only take a jiffy." Balin stated, grabbing Dori and Ori to assist him.

"We don't have a jiffy," Dwalin hissed as the dragon finally broke through the gate and was now searching for one dwarf in particular.

"Alyndra, go. Now to that room and take cover." Thorin order.

"No, I'm not leaving you Thorin." Alyndra pressed.

"Alyndra, please for once will you just listen to me. Please go before the dragon sees you." Thorin begged her, as he gave her a slight push in the direction towards another room. The skin-changer glanced back at him one last time and took off running when her boot caught the end of a rusty old piece of equipment and she fell and it the ground hard, with a rough grunt and the dragon turned right in her direction. Thorin froze, he was too far from her. Dwalin was only inches from her.

"You again." He sneered with a smirk on his face sniffing the air, as he slowly coming towards her. "I haven't smelled you're kind in quite sometime. And here I thought the pale orc whipped out you're entire species." Alyndra was half crouched, her eyes never leaving the dragon's as she saw his chest starting to glow once again. Dwalin went right for her and pulled her up to her feet to get her out of the way.

"Now!" Thorin shouted from behind her to Bilbo. The hobbit jumped and reached for the lever just as Smaug was about to release his fury upon the skin-changer and the dwarf when water came shooting out of the carved face statues like jets and slammed into the dragon, knocking him right off balance and sliding into the side of a furnace.

The dragon roared in anger as he thrashed around violently, and soon the beast found itself tangled up with the conveyor belts and once he finally gets free of everything. He once again looks for the dwarf prince. Thorin was already at the woman's side and this time didn't let her leave his side as he stayed in front of her. Smaug found them easily and the dwarf and skin-changer started to back up as Balin, Dori, and Ori began throwing flash-flame bombs at the dragon. Alyndra's eyes widen, seeing that it did nothing to slow Smaug down one bit and out of nowhere another section of conveyor belts carrying carts full of rocks comes crashing down on the back of the beast, making him collapse to the ground and the gold atop of the furnaces were finally ready.

The dwarf prince left the woman's side for a second and ran straight over to the dangling chain and pulled it. The gold came flowing out and into troughs built into the ground. Alyndra sees that Smaug is once again busy trying to get himself out of the the tangled conveyor belts.

"Lead him to the gallery of the Kings." Thorin yelled running past them all with an empty wheelbarrow and ran right under the dragon avoiding his feet so he wouldn't get squashed.

"Alyndra. Go, get out of here!" Dwalin shouted at her before taking off with his brother and the others to the gallery of the Kings. The skin-changer looked to see Ori had fallen to the ground and the dragon was about to finish him off. Alyndra knew she wouldn't make it to him in time running but flying she could and she changed into her animal form and yanked the young dwarf up into the air by the arm and flew passed the dragon. His head turned in her direction and then turned to see the hobbit trying to escape and the beast went after him instead.

Alyndra hid in a room to change back into her human form and put her clothes back on and came running out and demanded Ori to take her to the gallery of the Kings but he knew his leader wouldn't want the young woman in harms way and tried to argue with her, but she begged him to take her there and the dwarf finally gave in and the two of them made hast down the hall. The skin changer could hear the dragon and Bilbo speaking and she knew they were getting close. The hobbit was begging the beast not to attack Lake-town and then she heard Thorin's voice. Ori and Alyndra hid behinds some pillars and watched as the dragon stalked towards Thorin as he stood on a tall stone statue.

"You will take nothing from me...dwarf." Smaug hissed. " I laid low your warriors of old. I instilled terror in the hearts of men. I am king under the mountain." Smaug roared as he stood level height with the dwarf.

"This is not your kingdom. These are dwarf lands, this is dwarf gold, and we will have our revenge." Thorin growled back. The dragon glared at the dwarf when Thorin suddenly shouted something in Khuzdul. The stone structure that he was standing on begins to fall apart and revealed a giant golden statue of Thorin's grandfather.

Smaug looked at the structure in awe and even a bit of greed. Suddenly, the gold around the statues eyes warps and then explodes into liquid and seconds later the entire statue collapses and exploded, covering the dragon and the hall in several feet hot liquid gold.

Several minutes went by and the dragon hadn't broken through the surface. Was the dragon finally dead? The skin changer had the sudden urge to walk forward just to see if she could even see the beast. Ori tried to grab her by the arm but she shoved it away and walked towards the edge. The woman could see her reflection. All of a sudden the dragon broke through the surface causing Alyndra to let out a frightful scream and Ori pulled her back behind the pillar as they watched the dragon charge down the hall.

"Ahh! Revenge?! Revenge?! I will she you revenge!" The dragon roared as he crashed through the front gate of the mountain and flew into the air. Alyndra saw the hobbit running down the hall in the same direction as the dragon had gone.

"Bilbo! Wait!" Alyndra cried out as she took off after him. Thorin just hung by the chain in silence, he couldn't figure out what went wrong and now a very angry Smaug was free from the mountain and on his way to set his wrath of Lake-town. Bilbo and Alyndra both climbed over the fresh rubble and they both climbed onto a huge chunk of rock and saw the dragon heading straight for the lake and the skin-changers swallowed the lump in her throat, at what they had down. Because of them a bunch of innocent people were about to be fried alive.

"What have we done?" Bilbo hissed quietly.

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