[Chapter Twenty Two]

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It only took Alyndra a day's flight to make it to the other side. She hid in the trees, shifting back to her human form. She hoped the others were alright. The woman began cursing herself, she should have just put her fears aside and traveled with them, at least she would know where they were. She told herself to relax that she was overreacting. It would take at least two days for the dwarves and the hobbit to get through the forest on foot. The skin changer leaned against the tree and closed her eyes, hoping she would see them again soon.

The dwarves had been captured by the spiders and wrapped in webs. They had no idea how long they had been hanging from the trees, but they were soon rescued by the hobbit. They fled from the spiders that soon caught up to them and their only way out was to fight them. Thorin and the others managed to fight off their attackers and made with hast through the forest but they didn't get far when they were surrounded by elves with arrows pointed at their heads.

Alyndra eyes shot opened, she felt the sweat dripping down her forehead as she panted. She reached up with her fingers to feel the blood dripping down her nose like before.What worried her more was not knowing if this was happening now? or if this event was yet to occur. She rested her head against the tree, it was still dark out, no way would she be able to find them in the darkness. The woman tried to fall back asleep, but it was more harder for herself then she realized.

Thorin and the others had been captured by the elf prince and his guard and were now their prisoners. Thorin had been brought before the elf king of Mirkwood, who he bluntly refused to agree to his proposal of letting them go if he returned what belonged to his people. The stubborn dwarf prince was thrown into a cell like the others. The dwarf's only thoughts were that he hoped the woman wouldn't come looking for them when she figured out they were missing. The last thing he wanted to see was her locked up like the rest of them. The dwarves still had one hope though, their hobbit had managed to stay hidden from the elves and would hopefully get them out so they could continue on their journey.

It was the next morning. Alyndra did not get back to sleep after her vision. She got up, and figured she waited long enough and she changed back into an eagle and was in the air heading back over the forest. It was already the afternoon and she found no sign of any of them but she had spotted a pack of orcs traveling through the forest being led by a spawn of Azog the Defiler, they were heading towards one of the guard posts.Not long after that she heard the sound of an elvish horn being blown.

Her worries had been confirmed, the vision she had last night had already happened and the dwarves must have figured out a way to escape. She had to help them. Alyndra saw the orcs now running towards the sound of where the horn had come. She had to get to them before they got ambushed by the pack. She soared over the trees and saw two elves standing on a landing. She recognized the blonde one as the young prince and she flew over them, making them duck and she let out a shriek as she followed down the waterfall, down the river where she found the dwarves in barrels under the bridge and soon came the orcs.

More orcs came, climbing over the wall attacking the guards, and launching themselves at the unarmed dwarves. Thorin looked up when he heard a familiar shriek to see the eagle as she knocked a few of the orcs off the wall. a bunch of orcs, including Bolg came charging out of the bushes attack the elves that had showed up to fight them off. Alyndra saw Kili trying to make his way over to a leaver that would open the gate that was keeping the dwarves from continuing down the river.

Alyndra snatched a few more orcs in her talons trying to help clear a path for Kili when one of the orcs released an arrow at the eagle. She got out of the way just in time before it got her, when she heard Kili let out a sudden cry of pain as he fell to the ground, only inches from the leaver. " Kili!" Fili screamed for his brother. An orc was approaching the young dwarf prince to finish him off when an arrow shot through the air into the orc. Alyndra saw it was a she elf, and the elf prince as they began to fight off the orcs. Kili pulled the leaver letting out a harsh grunt when he fell back on the ground. The barrels one by one went down the waterfall. More orcs came out from the bushes along the ledges on either side of the river, throwing spears at the dwarves. Alyndra followed them, knocking over as many orcs into the rapid water as she could. The elves were close behind killing as many of the orc pack as the could as they wondered where this eagle had come from.

Thorin made sure he had the woman in his sights at all time to make sure nothing happened to her. She snatched more orcs in her talons, and throwing them into the rocks, killing them. She looked around to make sure all the dwarves and the hobbit were accounted for. Alyndra saw the elf prince struggling with an orc as one was approaching him from behind with his weapon ready to plunge it into the elf. The woman came and snatched the orc tossing it over the elf, the elf, then shot an arrow at a nearby orc that was about to launch itself at one of the dwarves.

The dwarf king and the elf shared a look of understanding and the elf stopped pursuing them. The elf prince and the she elf watched as the last of the dwarves continued down the river with the eagle right behind them being followed by what was left of their attackers as they ran to catch up to them. The orcs had fallen behind, but not for long. The water was no longer giving them the speed they needed and had to use their hands to paddle themselves to the rocks just a head of them. The woman let out another shriek, Thorin looked to see her land in the woods. She changed back into her human form and got her clothes back on quickly and started running down the trail that would lead over to the rocks where the dwarves were when she suddenly found herself at the pointy end of an arrow. She stopped, her heart was pounding as she stared at the man, that was looking at her oddly. " What are you?" she now was wishing she hadn't changed out of her animal form.

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