Chapter 2

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Manav was completing his home work when he heard her voice calling him.

"For god sake mamma, call me Manav!" he said angrily and turned to find his mother standing behind him with a plate of fruits.

Khushi giggled and came to him. Keeping the plate near him on the table, she caressed his hairs. "Homework kar rahe ho?" she asked.

"What's the matter mom?" he asked directly.

Khushi bit her tongue and said, "I just thought to talk with you"

"Is it by chance about Mahi?" he asked.

She nodded.

"I don't want to speak anything about her!" he declared and resumed in his studies. "Why?" she asked surprised seeing his ignorance on his sister.

"Mahi is struggling because of you both and you know it! I know what dad is gonna do. He may take her for an ice-cream treat to give her some momentary happiness. Then turns into the usual routine and Mahi will feel sad again. You both are trying to make her feel better not finding a solution for her problems! If you both cannot sacrifice a bit for your own daughter you do not have any right to discuss about her. Mahi is struggling and you both needn't interfere in that. I'm her elder brother and I'll look after her" he finished in one breath.

He didn't hear her voice for the next few moments and looked up to find her standing in tears.

He sighed and said, "Mamma....I'm...I'm so...."

"You're right" she whispered and ran out of the room.

Closing the door of her room at Gupta house, she cried her heart out. The words her husband, no ex-husband uttered a month ago were fresh in her mind.

"It's high time Khushi. I can't go on with this relation anymore!" he said.

"Arnav, what are you saying?" Khushi asked shocked.

"You know why I am saying this. I'm sorry Khushi. I want a divorce. This is over!" he declared.

"Arnav, please....I'm so sorry....this won't repeat again..." she cried.

"It's over Khushi!" he said.

"What about our kids?" she asked in tears and clutched his collar, "They shouldn't suffer. Please Arnav, please for Manav and Mahi...please don't do this!"

"Mahi will stay with me. I want her custody. Manav can decide for himself!" Arnav said firmly and pulled her hand from his collar.

"Arnav.....please..." she moved more close to him and sobbed, "I love you..."

"You don't!" he said angrily and pushed her away from him.

"Why can't you understand me Arnav? What wrong did I do?" she cried her heart out.

He was furiously typing on his laptop when Anjali came in. She sat near him on the green recliner and said, "Mahi is crying"

He stopped typing and sighed. "I know what she wants!" he said looking at Anjali, "Tell her that she is never gonna meet her mother again!"

"Chotte!" Anjali said in disbelief, "How can you say that? Khushi ji has all rights to be with Mahi. She is her mother!"

"Court has given me the custody di. Mahi will stay with me and Khushi do not have permission to meet my daughter!" he said angrily.

"Khushi ji doesn't need court's permission to meet her daughter!" Anjali said firmly.

"STOP IT DI!" Arnav roared.

Anjali stood up and said angrily, "No one in this earth, other than you both, know what the exact problem is. Why did you both separate? WHY? What is the reason that you both didn't even think about your children. TELL ME ARNAV, WHY DID YOU BOTH GET A DIVORCE?"

"I'm not at a liberty to tell that" he said firmly.

"Fine" Anjali said angrily, "At least think about Mahi and Manav. Manav acts strong but inside he is deeply hurt. Mahi is just a child. She cannot understand all this. She is suffering between her parents. Why can't you do a little sacrifice for your children? FOR GOD SAKE, AT LEAST ALLOW MAHI TO MEET HER MOTHER!"

Arnav shut the laptop in force and walked furiously to Mahi's room. Anjali ran behind him scared on his reaction to the little girl.

"MAHI!!!!!" Arnav shouted as he came into the room.

Nani, mami, Payal and Akash who were around little Mahi on the bed stood up seeing him. Mahi who was crying looked up in fear seeing her angry father.

"Come here!" Arnav said angrily. Mahi crawled on the bed to Akash and hid behind him. "MAHI COME HERE!" Arnav roared and little Mahi clutched on her Akash chachu's shirt and closed her eyes shivering.

"Bhai let it go....bacchii hai..." Akash tried to control his roaring brother.

"MAHI!" Arnav thundered and walked towards Akash and pulled her to his front.

Mahi stood before Arnav with breathing irregular and pale face with her legs shivering.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS DRAMA ABOUT? WHY AREN'T YOU EATING FOOD?" Arnav roared and Mahi sobbed, "Papa, main....mamma....."

"YOU DON'T HAVE A MOTHER NOW GOT IT? SHE IS GONE! YOU ARE NEVER GONNA MEET HER AGAIN!" Arnav shouted and Mahi gasped and so did the whole family.

"Mamma...." Mahi cried and clutched Arnav's legs, "Mamma se milna hai....." and the girl cried.

"Arnav ji, please take her to Khushi..." Payal said in tears.

"I'll decide for my daughter got it?" Arnav said arrogantly and Akash didn't like the tone. But before he can defend Payal, she did it herself, "She isn't just yours. She is Khushi's daughter too! TAKE HER TO HER MOTHER!" Payal said angrily.

"Mamma....." Mahi wailed loudly.

Arnav groaned in irritation and said, "Mamma se milna hai....OK FINE! NOW STOP CRYING!" he shouted and Mahi stopped crying.

"SIT IN THE CAR!" he shouted and walked out of the room to the car and Mahi ran behind him excited to meet her mother.

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