Chapter 33

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"WHAT?" Arnav snapped and turned to the figure lying next to him.

"Are you asleep?" he heard Manav asking with a small chuckle.

"SERIOUSLY!" Arnav shouted, "You literally woke up a sleeping person and asking whether he is asleep?"

Manav giggled.

"You're so like your mother" Arnav groaned and turned to sleep.

"This is my room. I'll behave the way I want" Manav retorted.

"Children these respect to their parents..." Arnav muttered.

"I heard that" Manav sang.

"Good for you" he snapped.

"Dad, I want to ask something" he said.

"What?" Arnav asked.

"Can I marry Ritika?" Manav asked.

"Why are you asking me? Go and ask that to her!" Arnav snapped.

"No, not that. I mean, can I get married to her now?"he asked.

"Oh now it's too late Manav. We'll get you married to her tomorrow morning sharp 8.30!" Arnav said sarcastically.

"Dad" Manav whined, "I want to marry her as soon as possible!"

Arnav sat up on the bed and switched on the light. Manav also sat up. "How old are you?" Arnav asked.

"21" Manav said.

"Too early to marry" Arnav said.

"21 is legal age to marry" Manav said.

"Manav, I want her to finish her studies, both of you to have a stable career, both of you to be matured enough and then me and Khushi will go to her parents and will get you married. Till then live like a romantic hero!" Arnav said and then slumped on the bed switching off the bed.

"So easy to say. You married my mother when she was just 19!" Manav said.

"She was 19 but I was 27 then!" he said.

"Yeah, old man!" Manav taunted, "Ritika is 20 and I'm 21! Perfect age!"

"Manav, I told you. No marriage until 26!" Arnav said sternly.

"Can I be in a living relationship with her?" he asked.

"SHUT UP AND SLEEP" Arnav shouted.

"What? You were in living relation with your girlfriend when you were of my age! Aarav bhaiyya is in living relation with Naina didi and why can't me and my poor girlfriend live together! So unfair!" Manav cried and plopped on bed, "The world is so cruel!"

"God what's wrong with you cranky boy?" Arnav muttered.

It was then Manav's phone rang. "Ritz!" he squealed and took the phone, "Sorry dad, now you can sleep!"

And he began his late night talks with his girlfriend and Arnav groaned, "Can you go out of the room please?"

"It's my room!" Manav said laughing and sat near the window talking to her.

Next morning

Breakfast table

"Arnav ji...." Payal jerked his arm and he opened his eyes and looked at everyone. "What happened?" he asked.

"What happened to you?" Akash asked, "You slept with a toast in your hand!"

Arnav looked down at the hand and saw the toast. He kept it on the table and yawned.

"Didn't sleep well?" Anjali asked.

Arnav glared at Khushi and said, "Well it's my wife's and son's fault!"

"What did they do?" NK asked amused.

He looked at Khushi who was ignoring him and Manav who was smiling his sly grin.

"Well Khushi kicked me out of the room and I went to Manav's room. And the boy kept me awake by talking to his girlfriend for whole night!"

"Wait a minute," Manav said, "You were awake for the whole night? Means you heard everything I spoke to her?" he asked with wide eyed.

"Yes my boy. Pretty good stories you both have to share with each other!" Arnav said smiling evil and Manav's eyes widened as if it would fall out of the sockets.

"What is it?" Riya asked looking to and fro between Arnav and Manav.

"Oh god, you heard it!" Manav cried and he covered his face with hands, "This is so embarrassing!"

"Tell us tell us" NK cried.

"Well it is..." Arnav began when Manav rushed to his chair. "Dad come with me..." he dragged Arnav who cried, "Arrey let me say..."

"Please don't tell this to anyone...please" Manav begged.

Arnav laughed.

"'re my father. Please...please...please..." he cried.

"Let's make a deal. I'll keep your secrets but you should help me" Arnav said.

"Help with what?" he asked.

"You should get Khushi talk to me again!" Arnav said.

"You want me to resolve your petty fights?" Manav asked in disbelief.

"If not I would ask Naina to publish your wild imaginations in her next book. Geez I never knew that my son had such a dirty mind!" Arnav said shuddering.

"DAD!" Manav cried, "I would do anything for you. But please....don't tell that to anyone"

"Deal?" Arnav asked extending his hand.

"DEAL!" Manav cried and shook hands with him.

" I have to help you in getting mamma and papa together huh?" Mahi asked. Manav nodded his head.

"Well, okay fine but what's my commission?" she asked crossing her arms over chest.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Get me and Riya didi Justin Bieber's Mumbai concert tickets!" Mahi said.

"I'll do it. Now help me!" Manav cried.

"First get me the tickets and then I'll help you" Mahi said and walked away singing JB songs.

"Urrgh!" Manav groaned in frustration and ran to get his laptop.

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