Chapter 30

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1. The Undying Hopes – My first day @ Harvard

Crossing the gates of one of the most reputed institutions in the world, I looked up the sky thanking the gods who were kind enough to pour their blessings on an "unlucky" child like me. Stamped as a curse to the family, the scholarship to Harvard was literally a trump card for my so called family to kick me out. And here I am, standing inside the Harvard weaving up my torn dreams. The hope that stayed untarnished inside my broken heart showed up marking its presence. A beam of pride and confidence swept over me. Yes, I can do it! I can move on with my life without those people who considered me as trash. This would be the last time I am thinking about them, I decided.

Letting out a deep breath, I walked forward along with hundreds of freshers like me. Everyone were talking with each other, getting to know others and getting successful in making friends while I just walked with my eyes wandering around the campus picturing everything in my mind.

That year they had something new. To break the ice between seniors and juniors and also to weave up a friendship between them, the authorities planned for projects. One fresher and one senior from 2nd year must work together for a week and submit their project report. The project can be on anything but related to your subject. The report is not important. What they wanted was peace between students.

Little did I know that this idea of theirs would change every single ideology and beliefs of a girl like me!

With Christina, the only one who was kind and sweet enough to mingle with a dumb girl, I walked to the professor and took my card. I opened it and read the number 4832233. We went back to the seat and professor said, "Well students, you have got a number. This is the registration number of your team mate. Go find out your mate from the notice board and then find him/her and work out the project. Good luck students!"

Christina dragged me to the notice board which was crowded by many freshers like me. She squeezed into the crowd while I stood back. Crowd always terrifies me. I walked to a corner and looked at Christina who held her and my cards in her hand looking at the notice board. I saw her writing something on the cards and running towards me.

"Got it. Mine is someone called Patricia. Yours is a big name! I've written it!" she said handing me the card.

I read the name of the person who later became my life.

Aarav Singh Raizada.


Aarav looked up to find Sonali. He closed the book after keeping a bookmark and Sonali smiled. "How is her book?"

"I've just started!" he said and stood up. "Come, we'll breakfast. They're waiting for us!" she said.

He hesitated and said, "Sho, I don't even remember them while they all are ecstatic to have me here. It's really awkward and plus, how can I face Naina? I feel so guilty!"

She held his arm and said, "You need to face it bhaiyya. I never told this before because I was scared that you would not take it well. But you proved me wrong. When I narrated everything yesterday you stood strong and accepted everything. Just believe me bhaiyya. As time passes you'll recall everything. Just trust me and these people out there!"

Later that evening

"Now where has this boy gone?" Arnav muttered as he and Akash sat in the study room with Aman. "He went out with Ritika" Akash said laughing.

Arnav groaned, "I've to ground him for a week. His dates with her have been increasing like anything!"

Aman and Akash laughed and Arnav then asked suddenly "Aman what are the updates!"

Aman nodded and began, "Well, Shyam fired an employee who argued with him against his unjust measures. He ordered him to pay 20 lakhs as compensation for some rubbish reason, which obviously cannot be paid due to his financial problems. So the employee is now dragged to court!"

Arnav nodded and said, "Settle the amount via Ayan!"

Aman nodded and Akash asked, "Bhai what's your plan? How are we gonna sue Shyam?"

"We don't need a plan Akash" Arnav said, "We just need Aarav to get back his memory and also Sonali to give statements against Shyam. Sonali was forced to keep quiet due to Shyam but now she has us. And we'll have to prove that Aarav is alive and the person who was dead is the twin. Then all the property of Shyam will automatically flow back to Aarav and Anjali will come out of the jail! The end!"

Night, 11.45 pm

Aarav walked to the kitchen to get water when he saw a figure standing near the stove. He cleared his throat and the figure turned.

The girl who fainted when he came here! Naina!

His eyes widened in realization and she stood shocked. She suddenly turned back. The whole day she had been avoiding him. She went out for some works regarding her book for the whole day and made sure that she didn't hit him when entering back the house.

"Naina?" he called out.

She closed her eyes and turned off the stove where the coffee was boiling.

"Are you avoiding me?" she heard him asking.

She turned and looked at him.

He stepped forward and said, "I'm sorry that I cannot remember anything. I'm really sorry. I'll try my best but please don't be angry with me!"

She smiled faintly. Now this was surely the typical Aarav. He may have forgotten himself but never the traits he had acquired after living with Raizadas.

"I read your book" he whispered.

She looked at him shocked and he said, "Just the first chapter! Khushi ma said that it would help me bring myself back!" she smiled and nodded. She poured out the coffee on a mug and looked at him.

She signed using her hands, "What are you doing here at this hour?"

"Woh I needed some water!" he said reading her sign language. She looked at him and smiled widely. "What?" he frowned.

She signed, "You forgot everyone but not the sign language!"

He read her hands and then smiled. "Hmm...I think so!" he said. "What are you doing at this hour? Why aren't you asleep?" he asked.

"Couldn't sleep. So thought to have some coffee and watch a movie!" she signed.

"Well in that case, can I join? Even I'm not able to sleep" he said sheepishly. She smiled and nodded.

Aarav switched off the TV as the movie ended and looked to his left to find her asleep on his shoulder. He smiled and removed the strands of hair that touched her face. She looked breathtakingly beautiful!

He slowly lifted her in his arms, carefully since he didn't want her to get up, and led her to the bed. Making her lie, he covered her with the duvet and turned to go when he felt her clutching his hand in her sleep. The protective fingers wrapped around his wrist not wanting to let him go. He smiled and slipped into the duvet beside her and felt her snuggling to his side. Slowly his eyes started drooping and he fell into a peaceful slumber.

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