Chapter 24

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Dear friends, there is slight correction I have to make. In one of the earlier updates I mentioned that the property was under the children's names and Aarav was the sole owner till his cousins turn 18. I would like to change that. The property is under Aarav's name. By property I mean each and every asset of Raizada brothers. So the property was under Aarav's name which is now under Shyam. And the whole Sonali thing was a drama planned by Shyam.

Chapter 24

Everyone sat in the living room of Raizadas and Payal asked, "Now what? Shyam is gonna kick us all out!"

"Where will we go?" Mami asked.

"Place to stay isn't a matter" Arnav said, "We have Gupta house. But our company, AR is gone. How will we earn for living?"

Everyone grew silent.

"Bhai is there any way to get back AR?" Akash asked and Arnav sighed nodding no, "Not a way. Shyam has played well. He got himself out and put all the blame on d...Anjali. He also morphed Aarav's signature into a paper that makes him his legal son. Aarav is no long a Raizada, he is Aarav Manohar Jha and every property of Aarav goes to Shyam since he is no more!"

"Staying at Delhi is not a good option" Khushi said and everyone looked at her. Khushi sighed and said, "We are penniless now. We have to start from zero. And plus, we have children. Staying here means we're staying under Shyam's radar. It's absolute danger. We need to get away!"

"NK" Arnav said suddenly and everyone looked at him.

"NK is at Australia looking after his dad's construction business. May be we can go to him and think about the rest!" Arnav said.

"Flight tickets!" Nani asked and Arnav said, "Me and Akash have money in our account!"

"But Arnav ji, wouldn't that be like wasting the remaining money?" Payal asked.

"No" Akash said, "Once we get to Sydney, near NK, we're saved. NK can help us. It would be like staying away from Delhi for a while!"

Arnav nodded and everyone agreed.

"Naina?" Khushi asked slowly.

"We'll take her with us!" Nani declared, "Whether she is married to Aarav or not, she is our daughter-in-law....the unmarried widow of Aarav!"

Three days later.


As expected, Shyam showed up and ordered them all to move out.

The whole bunch of Raizadas except Manav moved to Sydney while Buaji, Garima and Shashi stayed back insisting that they would like to stay in Delhi in their home. And Manav stayed with them because he was having his board examinations and Arnav asked him to fly to Sydney as soon the exam finishes.

NK received them at airport and took them to his home. He was living alone there as his father was at London handling the business there and his mother had died years back.

"Now what Nannav?" NK asked sipping the coffee.

Arnav, Akash and NK were sitting in the terrace having their coffee in the morning as NK continued, "We can get Mahi and Riya admitted to a good school here. Manav after finishing his school can be admitted to any stream he wishes. But what about you both? What's your plan?"

"NK....I'm sorry but we're burdening you. We don't even have the money to get our children in good schools...." Arnav trailed off when NK said cutting him,

"They are my children too. And forget the money. Whom will I spend then? And Nannav, it's not the time to lament about. Work out a plan. What do you both want and I'll help you in that!"

Arnav and Akash looked at each other and said, "Get a job"

NK sighed and said, "You both can never work under people. People works under you. Start another company!"

"What?" the brothers asked.

"I'll give money. Take a loan too. Start another AR and buy your original AR when you're capable" NK said.

Arnav and Akash looked at each other.

"You have one more to help you" NK said and both of them looked at him. "Manav" NK said, "Amazing designer he is. And that would give him a job right after his school! Honestly I don't think he should go on for a fashion designing course after 12th since he is already a good designer!"

Arnav looked down and heard Akash telling, "I'm ready bhai! What about you?"

Arnav looked up and asked, "What would be the name of company?"

NK smiled and said, "That's my brothers!"

A week later.


Manav and Ritika sat in the cafe with untouched coffees and cakes before them.

"So you're leaving tonight" she whispered.

He nodded and said, "Exams are over. Dad booked me ticket!"

"When will you be back?" she asked looking at him.

"I don't think I'll be back" he said sighing, "Dad and chachu are planning to start a new company. Mahi and Riya has got admitted to a school there. Mom and Payal maasi are soon to start up their food service there!"

"And you?" she asked.

"I'm gonna work with dad in his new company" he said.

"So college?" she asked.

"May be I'll take a parallel designing course!" he said.

"I'll miss you" she said in a low voice.

"Ritika" he whispered and held her hand over the table, "We've talked about this right?"

She withdrew her hand and said, "But I can't help it Manav. Why can't you see it? I LOVE YOU"

Manav looked around and saw everyone staring at them. "Let's go" he said and both of them walked out to fresh air.

"Ritika, you're my best friend but...." he said as they stood in a pretty isolated place.

"Please don't start with again" she said, "I have heard it a lot of times Manav. You're a best friend but nothing more than that. I cannot see you like that. Stop it!" she cried.

"Ritz..." he placed a hand over her shoulder and she held his collars.

"Don't act Manav" she cried, "Tell me the truth. Don't you love me? Just admit it. Why are you hiding? Just let it out that you ****ing love me!"

"Stop it Ritika" he shouted and shoved her hands off his collar, "JUST GET THIS STRAIGHT IN YOUR HEAD. I LIKE YOU BUT I DON'T LOVE YOU. How many times should I explain this?" he said turning away.

She held his arm and turned him to her. "Look into my eyes and repeat what you said" she demanded.

"Ritz please..." he said. "REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID" she shouted.

He sighed and looked at her.

"See you cannot" she whispered.

He looked at her and she stepped closer to him. "I love you" she whispered.

He smiled and held her arm. Pulling her close, he hugged her and whispered, "You definitely know how to pull off my stubbornness. I love you too Ritz!"

She smiled and hugged him tight.


A 3 year leap

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