Chapter 13

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Arnav stood waiting at the terminal waiting for them to come. He had got a call this morning from Aarav that he is coming home today with a friend of his.

Arnav smiled to himself. Little does Aarav know that he know who the friend is and what her name is? Naina! This is the first he is gonna meet his nephew's love!

"ASR!" he heard Aarav's voice and turned to find Aarav walking to him with a girl.

"Hii Aarav" Arnav said and hugged him. "How are you ASR?" Aarav asked and he nodded.

He looked at Naina and asked, "Hello, your good name please!" he extended his hand.

She shook his hand and smiled. "She is Naina. My best friend!" Aarav said.

Arnav looked at Aarav and then at Naina. He nodded his head and said, "Ok let's go!"

In the car.

"So Naina, where are you from?" Arnav asked to Naina who was in back seat.

"She is from Pune" Aarav said.

"Aarav I think I'm talking to Naina" Arnav said and looked at Aarav.

Aarav looked at Naina and then at Arnav. Arnav looked back at Naina who was smiling sadly. "Anything wrong?" Arnav asked.

"ASR, she can't speak!" Aarav said.

Arnav looked at him shocked. God, Khushi hadn't told him this. How could she hide this from him? "I'm sorry" he mumbled and looked at her who smiled and nodded her head. She signed something with her hands and Aarav said, "She says "It's ok. I can hear but I cannot speak. I have been like this since birth. So you needn't feel bad."".

Arnav smiled and concentrated on the road.

Riya got bonded well with Naina within few minutes. Mahi also tried to communicate with Naina using her hands and Naina smiled and patted the doll's cheeks. The three girls were at Riya's bedroom while the whole family were downstairs with Aarav.

"Mahi, you can speak. Naina didi can hear you!" Riya said.

Mahi smiled and said, "Didi what are your hobbies?"

Naina smiled and took a pen. She moved her hand in air and Riya cried, "Writing!"

Naina nodded her head.

"So finally you met your nephew's lady love. How is Naina? Did you like her?" Khushi asked on phone, swirling the chair of her office.

"Of course. Sweet, pleasant, observant, strong girl. But you should have told me that she cannot speak!" Arnav said.

"Sorry Arnav. It just skipped out of my mind!"

"Skipped? You skipped the fact that she cannot speak!" Arnav said surprised.

"Yes because that never bothers her and Aarav. It's said true Arnav – love doesn't need language!" she said and he said, "That's right! And you know Riya and Mahi have already become her best friends. I can hear their laughter from the next room! And god Mahi refused to go to school. She said she wants to be with Aarav bhaiyya and Naina didi."

She laughed.

"How's Ritika? Her fever? And did she disclose the matter to Manav?" he asked.

"No she didn't. She promised me that she won't say that to anyone. And no, her fever has increased. Looks like she stood in the terrace during night!" she said.

"Did you get her parents?" he asked.

"Yes I have informed them. It seemed to me that they just don't care what happens to her. So I just informed them and hang up!" she said.

"It must be awkward for her na. Staying at a new place and plus, around her crush!" he said laughing.

"I don't think so. But looks like your son is smitten with her! You should have seen how he was caring for her today morning. He took oats for her, ordered me to make milk for her, and gave her tablets and DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL TODAY. He made up an excuse of some project....whoa! What a change in Manav!"

Arnav laughed and then said, "I hope this is just a teenage crush!"

"Arrey wah, here comes the possessive and protective father!" Khushi sang.

"No it's not that. I just don't want him to deviate from studies. Tell him that!" he said.

"Aapki hokum!" she sang.

"You should've listened to me. I told you right? Not to stay at terrace during cold hours?" he scolded her as he kept the white cloth over her forehead.

She smiled faintly and lied down looking at him. Tiredness was ruling her body and her eyes were drooping.

"Bitiya...." Garima came in with a large tray. "Have this porridge. You'll feel better!"

"Nahi Nani...." she said weakly, "Mujhe nahi chahiye..."

"Arrey aise kaise?" Garima said, "Manav beta, make her sit!" Manav held her hand and made her sit with pillows supporting her back. Garima sat beside her and forwarded a spoon of rice porridge. Ritika opened her mouth slowly and had it.

Manav checked her temperature and said, "It's a bit down now!"

"Just have food and take rest! You'll be fine" Garima said smiling and Ritika nodded.

Naina walked through the corridor to her guest room when she felt someone pulling her.

She was pulled inside a room and pushed to a wall. She looked at the person and let out a sigh.

Aarav smiled and said, "Three hours Naina! You were so busy!"

She smiled and signed, "You have an awesome family Aarav. You're lucky to have them!" he laughed and said, "I know! But I'm more lucky to have you!" he came close and kissed her. She hung on his shirt collars as he kissed her passionately.

Parting from the kiss, he pulled her and hugged her tight. He felt her clutch growing strong on his back and whispered, "Don't worry. They all love you and they all will accept you when we reveal everything to them."

She looked at him.

(From now on, I'll be writing Naina's dialogue in italics. It's difficult to explain the sign language every time. Just keep in mind that she is bezubaan)

"I'm scared Aarav. Will they understand? What if they react the same way my family reacted?"

"They won't. I'll manage. You have me with you, okay! Just remember, you'll always have me!" he said and squeezed her hand.

She smiled and nodded.

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