Chapter 23

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Lighting the holy fire, Manav stepped back and stood beside his father looking at his brother's body being swallowed by fire. Tears rolled down his cheek recalling the smiling face of Aarav that used to give him solution during his distress times.

He looked to his left and saw his father with filled eyes. He wrapped his arm around his father and Arnav looked at him.

Every single soul present there cried out their heart watching their beloved Aarav's pyre being lit.

The police had found his body on the road side in a pool of blood. He was already dead. The post-mortem report stated the cause of his death – stabbed 46 times to death.

The funeral was over and his ashes were peacefully submitted to Ganga.

The same evening, Raizadas and Guptas sat in the living room of Raizada mansion staring at the photo of the boy whom they can't believe gone.

Ritika walked to the living room with her crutches with Hari Prakash ji along her side. "Have tea" she said softly to everyone who looked at her.

"You all need to have food" she said as Hari Prakash kept a plate full of fruits. "Have it" she whispered.

No one moved from their positions.

It was then the door of the mansion was opened and police officers came in. Everyone stood up seeing them and inspector Rathode said, "Mr. Raizada, we're here to arrest the murderer of Aarav"

Everyone except Arshi and Manav gasped. "Murderer, here?" Nani asked shocked.

Rathode nodded and the lady constables handcuffed Anjali.

"What the hell!" Anjali shouted, "Why are you arresting me?"

"Because you are the one who hired the goons to kill Aarav, Mrs. Jha!" Rathode said.

Everyone gasped and Mami said, "You might be wrong. Anjali bitiya cannot do that!"

"No badi mami, she would definitely do that!" Manav said with venom spitting. Everyone looked at him shocked.

"Dad, please explain" he said to Arnav.

Arnav said and began the story. How he heard Anjali talking with Shyam, decided for a fake divorce, changing the will, naming property under Aarav, Manav hearing the conversation and everything.

Nani sat on the sofa with a thud and Mami, Akash and Payal stood rooted not knowing what to do. Guptas looked at Anjali with disgust and Buaji cried, "How could you do it? Aarav was your son!"

Anjali cried, "It's not what you think. It was not me who asked the goons. Shyam ji said that he would send his men to pick up Aarav because he wanted to speak with him. That's why I sent Aarav in the name of medicines. I don't anything other than that!"

"Bad story Mrs. Jha," Rathode said, "we've caught the goons who spilled everything. It was you who called them from your mobile number. It was from your account the money was transferred from and it was for you that Aarav went out. And Mr. Raizada and Manav heard you speaking about killing Aarav! We've enough proofs! Take her!" he commanded and the constables dragged her.

The police took her and the family turned to Arnav. "Is it true Chotte?" Nani asked and Arnav nodded.

"This is all because of you" Akash shouted and everyone looked at him shocked.

"Akash what are you saying?" Payal held his arm. Akash shoved her hand and said to Arnav, "You're the reason for this bhai. If Aarav is dead today, it's because of you!"

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