Chapter 32

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"Why have you brought me here?" Anjali asked to Ayan.

"Sir wants to meet you!" he said and made her sit on the small couch of the small tidy apartment.

"Sir?" she frowned and looked to her left to see someone entering.

"Chotte?" she gasped and stood up to see Arnav before her.

Arnav stood before her and signed Ayan to go who left.

"I knew you would come back to me" she said smiling in tears, "It's Khushi who kept you back at court na?"

He looked at her disgusted, "You still believe that it's Khushi's fault!"

"Yes" Anjali said firmly, "If Khushi hadn't come to our lives, all this mess wouldn't have happened. We would've been a happy family. Shyam ji would've never cheated me, my rajkumari wouldn't be killed, Aarav would have been with me, you would have been with me, we all would have been happy!"

"SHUT UP!" he screamed, "And do you really think I'm back to you. Well you're wrong Mrs. Jha! I'll never come back to you. I kicked you out of my life the day I came to know about your true colours!"


"I'm here for Aarav" Arnav said, "He asked me to get you here!"

"Aarav?" Anjali frowned.

Arnav nodded and walked around the living room of the apartment, "You see Aarav asked Ayan to buy this apartment in your name. He also made him load the kitchen with food for one month. The wardrobe has clothes for you and there is some money in the drawer!"

Anjali looked at Arnav not knowing what to say.

"You see the boy whom you wanted to kill personally did this because he don't want you to rot in streets. He has asked you to get some work and earn a living. He didn't want to face you so sent me! Here, he has written you a letter!" Arnav said forwarding a letter.

Anjali took it read.

Dear mom,

I don't know whether I should call you or not. Knowing the betrayal you did I should not call you that but right now, I'm overwhelmed with my childhood memories where you loved and cared for me.

Thank you for everything mamma. Despite being an orphan you accepted me and loved me. I don't even know whether the love you showed was genuine but I believe it to be. I don't want any answers from you on why you threw me to the blood thirsty goons but it has definitely made me lose trust in you.

But no matter what, you're the woman who raised me, who stood against society to accept me...I will love you forever. I forgive you for whatever mishaps you've caused but I'll never forget all those things you have done and nor will I trust you again. But I can never see you suffering in life. You have some money in the drawer, food in kitchen and a place to live. And you're pretty healthy too. So mamma, if you have ever loved me and ASR, then leave our lives and earn a living. Live for yourself and never ever bother us again.

I'll never meet you again mamma and please make sure that you never come across my way. Let me live my life mamma and let we all move on. Have a nice life.



She folded the letter and looked at Arnav in tears.

"You clearly don't deserve him, you know that don't you?" Arnav asked.

She burst into tears and slumped on the floor.

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