Chapter 28

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"What do you want?" Arnav asked angrily.

"She wants to say something to you all!" Ritika announced. "And we don't want to hear anything from her. GET OUT FROM HERE!" Akash shouted.

"Stop" Mami said, "Let us hear what she wants to tell" and she asked Sonali to come in.

"I was trying to find you all for the past three years but I didn't know where you all are. I tried asking the Guptas but they wouldn't tell me and their neighbours preventing me to meet them!" Sonali said in tears, "It was two days ago I saw Naina didi's book launch in TV and also Manav receiving award. So I flew here!"

"What do you want to say?" Manav asked impatiently.

"You all need to come with me" she declared.

Raizadas looked at her with amused expression. "And why would we come with you?" Manav asked scoffing.

"Manav please" Ritika said, "This is really important. We need to go with her"

"What's going on Ritika? You know we hate this girl like anything! Why is she here?" Arnav asked angrily.

"Please come with me. I want you all to meet someone. PLEASE!" Sonali begged,

"Please everyone. You need to come" Ritika said in tears.

"Ok fine. Don't come. I'll bring him here" Sonali cried, "I want you all to meet him. I should've done this earlier but I didn't know where you were!"

"Sonali, you stay here. I'll go!" Ritika said and walked away while Sonali sat on the couch.

Everyone sat down and Manav asked, "Who do you want us to meet?"

"Before that let me apologize for everything" Sonali said in low tone, "I didn't want to do it but he forced me to act as his daughter in front of Anjali ji. I'm an orphan who lived in sunshine orphanage of Lucknow. Well not really an orphan. I had two brothers. They were twins. My father died when he and one of my twin brothers were returning from a marriage. My mother was three months pregnant with me. My dad died at spot and my brother was never found. He was 6. My mother later died after giving birth to me. I and my brother were taken to orphanage by police. My brother who was with my father during the accident was never found. We were happy there when one day Shyam kidnapped my brother and asked me to meet him."

She sobbed and continued, "I was asked to act as his daughter because I resemble his wife a lot. I disagreed and he threatened me to kill my brother. I agreed. I'm sorry, I didn't want to hurt anyone but he forced me to. I just had my brother and I couldn't lose him!"

She sniffed and continued, "He admitted me into Manav's school and made me act rude to him and Ritika. He made Anjali ji believe that I was her daughter and she was turned against you all. I wanted to tell you all everything but the fact that my brother was with him prevented me to!"

"And what happened next?" Manav asked, "After killing Aarav bhaiyya did he leave your brother safe?"

She nodded no and cried out, "He killed my brother!"

Everyone looked at her shocked and she cried out.

"Your tears won't change anything Sonali" Khushi said softly, "You cannot bring back your brother. You cannot bring back her dreams back" she said pointing to Naina who was sitting on the couch with tears flowing out of her eyes.

Sonali stood up and walked to Naina. She kneeled on the floor and held her hand. Naina looked at her and Sonali whispered, "I shattered your dreams. I didn't do it directly but I was also a part of it. I ruined everything and it's me who should set everything right now!"

Everyone looked at her confused.

Sonali wiped Naina's tears and whispered, "I promise you. I'll give you back everything"

Everyone looked to the door hearing footsteps. Sonali stood up and looked to the door. Ritika came into vision.

"Where is he?" Sonali asked softly.

Ritika looked to her left and the person walked in the mansion slowly.

The Raizadas froze seeing the person walking into the hall. Khushi gasped and Payal looked at him with wide eyes. Arnav had his mouth wide open and Akash stood not knowing what to do. Mami held the table to prevent herself from falling and Riya had Mahi clutching her hands scared. Manav looked at the door not able to believe what he was seeing.

But Sonali had her eyes fixed only on Naina.

Naina slowly stood up. Her breathing was uneven as she stared to the person standing at the door. She looked at Sonali in tears who nodded a yes. She looked back at him and slowly walked to him.

She stood before him and looked at Ritika who nodded in tears. She lifted her hand and touched his cheek to see if he is real. Feeling his skin under her skin, Naina stepped back not able to believe it. She closed her mouth with her hand and tears rolling down her cheek.

"Aa.....rav?" Khushi stammered.

Sonali walked to Aarav, held his arm and he looked at her confused.

"Bhaiyya" she whispered.

He looked at her and then at the people before him.

"Do you recognize them?" she asked in her broken voice.

He nodded no and then turned to Naina who stood before him. "Who are you?"

Everyone gasped and Naina stepped back in disbelief.

Aarav looked at Sonali and asked, "Where are we Sho? And who are these people?"

The world came crashing to Naina Singh Raizada as she felt her knees weakening and fainted on the floor.

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