Chapter 18

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One week passed the incident.

Anjali still gave a cold shoulder to Aarav, Naina and Arnav while the trio decided not to bother it. Others accepted Naina to the family. When Anjali objected Nani raised her voice, "I'm the head of the family and I'll decide things here Anjali" and that quietened Anjali.

Khushi's visits to RM increased as Aarav and Naina wanted her near them which irked Anjali. Everybody in the house could see that Anjali disliked the fact that Aarav was close to Khushi than her.

Nani moved things faster and ordered that Aarav and Naina should get engaged as soon as possible and the date was fixed. Everyone were happy except Anjali, of course.

Monday, 8.30 am

Manav walked through the lane of Vasant Vihar colony to stand in front of the big mansion. He was about to hold the gate when he saw the main door opening and Ritika walked out of the house with her school bag.

This has become a routine. Every day morning Manav would walk to Ritika's house and both of them would start to school. In the evening he would drop her home and she would invite him for a coffee. An old lady who comes to Ritika's house every morning to cook food has become very friendly to Manav.

Ritika locked the door and she and the lady, named Vasugi, walked out of the gate. "Good morning Manav" Ritika smiled and he greeted her back. "Good morning kaki" he greeted Vasugi and Vasugi smiled and patted his head.

"Shall we go?" he asked Ritika and she nodded. Waving to Vasugi they walked to the school.

"So you'll be coming home tonight right?" Manav asked and she nodded her head. "Of course I would. Aarav bhaiyya and Naina didi personally invited me!" Ritika said.

He smiled and asked, "So what are you wearing?"

She narrowed her eyes and asked, "Why did you ask?"

"No I meant did you go for shopping?" he asked.

She nodded no and said, "I'll go after school. Today we have classes till after noon gonna visit the newest boutique opened here!"

"Why don't you come with me?" he asked.

She looked at him and he said, "Even I haven't selected a dress. I was so busy with the science fest at school. So, literally I also have to buy a new dress!"

"Ok then, we'll go together!" she said, "But where? Like I said why don't we got to the new boutique opened near the RP mall?"

He chuckled and said, "Why should we go to some boutiques when my dad owns a fashion house?"

She slapped her head and said, "I completely forgot!" he laughed and she said, "You're right! So we'll go to AR's showroom!"

They reached school and he said, "Okay then, we'll meet at 2! Wait for me!" she nodded and they parted ways to their classes.

Raizada Mansion

Anjali was selecting a saree for herself for the engagement when she heard the door knocking. "Come in" she said and saw Aarav walking in.

"Yes, what do you want?" she asked rudely. Aarav sighed and walked to her. Making her sit on the bed he said, "Why are you doing this mamma?"


"Why are you hurting me and yourself? You can clearly see that I love Naina. Then why aren't you accepting her?" he asked.

She looked away and he sat near her. Holding her hands, Aarav said slowly, "Mamma, when I had no one in this world to love me, you held me close. You adopted me and looked after my like a son. You brought me up. You wanted me to study well and be like ASR and I did. You wanted me to go to Harvard and study which I did. I never asked anything from you mamma....but now, today, I'm asking you something, for the first and last time....Naina!"

She looked at him and he said in tears, "I love her mamma. I cannot live without her. She is my life. This is the only thing I'm asking from you. Please bless me. Please accept her! Please....for my happiness!"

"The more days passes the more I am getting scared" Khushi said to Arnav with her voice down afraid that someone would hear them.

Arnav nodded and said standing in the store room, "Even I don't know how much days we have to go like this. It's almost two months!"

"Did Aman say something?" she asked.

"He said that the work is progressing and the detectives are gathering proofs. Duh, they have been telling this for the last two months!" he said.

She sighed and said, "What would happen if Shyam gets to know that we aren't divorced and your property is still under our names?"

He sighed and said, "I don't know. The property is under Manav, Riya and Mahi's names but we've the power of attorney till they turn eighteen. Even Akash and Payal named it under Manav, Riya and Mahi! Aarav's name was also there but since he is 23 now his property is officially his. And if any case, if something happens to us, the power goes to di. That's how it is set!"

"Did you change that?" she asked.

He nodded and said, "The papers were confirmed last week. It was hard to do it behind Shyam as he has got his lawyer friends stalking Adv. Roy, our lawyer!"

"So what to do now?" she asked.

"Waiting for Aman to tell me details!" he said.

It was then Mahi came running. "Papa....mamma...."

They looked at her and she stood before them, "What are you doing in store room?" she asked.

"Err....mamma was searching for old albums. So papa thought to help her" Arnav said smiling.

"Can I help too?" she asked cutely.

"Nope" Arnav said, "It's dust all over here and if little Mahi stays here for long, little Mahi will get cold and little Mahi's little nose would be like a little tomato!"

"Haww...." Mahi pouted while clutching her little nose, "I want my nose to be white like snow white!"

" run from here" Arnav said and Mahi ran away while Khushi laughed out loud watching the father-daughter moment.

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