Chapter 5

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Arnav walked to the living room when he saw Manav walking inside the house with a sleeping Mahi on his arms. He extended his arms to take her when Manav said, "Papa, she is asleep. Can she stay here tonight?"

Arnav stared at him and Manav said, "I'll bring her to RM tomorrow morning!"

"No" Arnav said.

"Why not?" Garima came there and asked, "You may have her custody rights but she will always be the angel of this house. We also have the right to be with her!"

"Amma, please..." Arnav began when Garima said, "It's been one month that I have spent time with my granddaughter. Can't you let me look after her for a night? Manav will bring her to RM tomorrow morning!"

Arnav sighed and said, "Fine" and he walked out of Gupta house.

"Take her to your mother" Garima said.

"But you said you wanted to be with Mahi" Manav said surprised.

Garima said nothing and walked away. Manav smiled and called out, "Just admit it are concerned about mamma"

"Um...bha...iyy...aa..." Mahi whined in sleep hearing his loud voice and he patted her back. He walked to Khushi's room and using his leg, opened the door.

"Mamma..." he called out when he saw his mother kneeling on the floor and crying out. Khushi looked up to him and wiped her tears.

Manav walked into the room and laid Mahi on the bed. He rushed to his mother and kneeled near her. "What happened mamma? Why are you crying? Did papa say something? Tell me na...kya huva?"

Khushi nodded no and asked in her shivering voice, "Didn't he take Mahi?"

"No, she will stay here for a night" he said and held her. He made her stand and she smiled. "So she will be here with me tonight?" she asked happily.

He smiled and nodded.

She sat leaning on the headboard and looked at her daughter who was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Her lips curved into a smile. It's been one month that she had seen her baby sleeping. Caressing her soft silky hairs, which she had inherited from her, Khushi planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Covering her properly with a blanket, she walked out of the bed to the window.

She looked at the clock. 12.30 am.

It must be noon there. She looked at her mobile.

As if it was waiting for her to look....the mobile started to ring.

Khushi hurriedly took the call afraid that Mahi would wake up hearing the ringing tone.

"Hello" she whispered.

"Hey...why are you whispering?" the voice asked.

"Mahi is with me. She is sleeping"

"WOW. Mahi with you....but how did he agree?"

"Mahi cried to come here and Arnav brought her here. After a while she slept and Manav requested him to leave her here for night!" she said happily.

"You sound happy"

"Of course I'm happy. I have my daughter with me!" she said whispering.

"It's been a month I have heard this happy voice of yours!" he said.


"It's because of me right? I think we should say everything to the family!"

"No, it's not time! They would be broken. You know di right? She cannot take it!" she said.

"Mami please, it's not that I did something wrong"

"You did wrong!" she said firmly.

"Loving someone is not wrong mami. I love Naina. Is that a mistake?"

"Loving her was not a mistake Aarav but living together before marriage and being in a physical relationship is WRONG!" she said.

Aarav sighed and said, " was our Arts day. We all were drunk and....."

"Is that a justification?" she asked.

"Mamma....mamma would be upset. And ASR...." he said.

"How is Naina?" she changed the topic.

"Good. NK chachu is taking care of her. She called today. She seemed to be enjoying Australia." he said.

"Good. I hope she has gotten over all that family drama and miscarriage...." she said.

"Of course yes. It's not like she loved them so much" he said.

"As if they loved her!" Khushi said.

"Phir bhi mami, till when are you gonna hide this from ASR? You're hurting Manav, Mahi and everyone for me and Naina?" he asked.

"Right now, you both are important. After all this mishap, we'll present it to the family. They would understand. Just don't worry about me. I'm fine!"

"Like hell you are! You can't stay a day without ASR. I'm shocked that you are survived a month!"

Khushi chuckled and he said, "Mami, I feel very guilty. It's all because of me. Naina is suffering, you are suffering, Mahi and Manav and the whole family are sad....just because of me! And top of that ASR thinks that you have an affair with NK chachu and...."

"Shhh...just let it go Aarav. Just think about your studies and Naina. NK and I will manage here" Khushi said, "Don't worry. We'll solve it. Regarding Naina, we'll present it to the family at the right time."


"Shoo....just go and sleep now!" Khushi said.

"Sleep? It's noon here!" he said laughing.

She bit her tongue and said, "Acha...go and have lunch!"

" go and sleep now...cuddling little Mahi" he laughed and she smiled, "Bye baby, I love you!" she cooed.

"I love you too sweetheart!" Aarav cooed.

It was 2 am now and he couldn't sleep. Frustrated with himself, he walked to the poolside and sat there looking at the sky.

"Ma..." he called out looking at the star Khushi made him believe to be his mother, "You are seeing all this na? Tell me ma, what wrong did I do? Where did I do mistake? I loved her, cared her....but she....after all these years we have spent together I came to know that all were fake! Khushi, whom I believed, whom I loved, love someone else!"

He looked down and then sighed hard.

"NK" he muttered in hatred. No matter how much he irritated him, Arnav loved his cousin brother. And what did he get back? Betrayal! His cousin and wife were having an affair behind his back!

He kicked the side table and screamed in frustration.


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