Chapter 4

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Dense tension filled the air as both of them looked at each other.

Arnav looked at his ex-wife who seemed more pale and weak. Her long silky hair which he used to play with was tied in a messy bun with some strands hanging down her cheeks. She was dressed in a dark nightie which he always adored. But the nightie looked so loose. She had gone down weight it seems.

Khushi looked at her ex-husband who was looking at her intently. He was dressed in his casuals. He must have been typing furiously on his laptop when Mahi created fuss to come here. She thought mentally. He looked weak. The dark circles around his eyes proved it. He has been eating medicines regularly. She had been confirming it with her jiji. But why is he weak?

"How are you?" she couldn't help but ask, "You look weak."

"Don't show your fake concern!" he retorted.

She sighed and looked down when he said, "Please stop calling Mahi. Stay away from her!"

"I'm her mother" she retorted.

"You gave her custody rights to me, remember? Now you do not have any right on her!" he said.

"I gave her custody because I never wanted a situation where she would have to choose between her father and mother. That doesn't mean that I gave away every right on her!" Khushi said angrily.

"I don't want my daughter to be like you!" Arnav shouted.

"And your son? Why are you letting Manav stay with me and not Mahi?" Khushi asked.

"Manav decided for himself. I gave him the freedom for that. He is grown up and quite sensible. But Mahi is a child. She can be influenced....."

"By me?" she asked.


"Even I can say the same Mr. Raizada. My daughter may be influenced by you. She may grow up as an arrogant, rude, selfish and pathetic girl....that is like her father!" she said angrily.

"SHUT UP!" he shouted.

"Keep your voice down! My family is sleeping!" she said angrily.

He walked to the door of Manav's room and closed it. "Now they won't hear us!" he said angrily

"Khushi I'm warning you. I should not have Mahi crying for you again!" he said dangerously.

"Then let her stay with me!" she said crossing her arms across her chest. "LIKE HELL I WILL!" he shouted.

"Why do you hate me Arnav?" she asked, "After all these years we have been together, what wrong did I do?"

"You know the reason!" he said angrily.

"And I have been continuously telling you that YOU ARE WRONG! It's not my fault that you are not willing to listen!" she shouted.



"Then tell me!" he shouted and pulled her. She crashed on his chest and he held her arms and shook her. "Where was I wrong? Wasn't the hospital report on your name? Weren't you talking with him on phone? Didn't you go to Shimla with him?"

She kept mum. Tears went down her eyes.


"Yes" she mumbled.

He pushed her and said, "Where am I wrong Khushi? I loved you...loved you so much and what did you do? How could you do this to me and our children?"

She stood silently and bit her lips.

"I never expected this from you..." he said with his voice cracking, "I hate you....I hate myself for loving you....I hate myself for hiding the truth from family. What will happen if they come to know about the true face of their loving daughter? I'm not doing that because I'm giving you a chance to redeem. Be a good mother to Manav but STAY AWAY FROM Mahi. I don't want my daughter to be like you!" and he turned to walk out when she held his hand.

"I'm sorry Arnav...." she whispered in tears.

"Your sorry won't change anything!" he whispered and took his hand from her. He turned when she hugged him tight from back. Pressing her face on his back, she cried, "It's not true Arnav....I love you...I love Manav and Mahi...please believe me....I love you so much...."

He turned and she looked at him.

"You love me?" he asked and she nodded like a child.

He held her close and whispered, "Then look into my eyes and tell me that you didn't go to Shimla with him!"

"Arnav main...."

"Do what I say!" he said.

She bit her lips and sobbed.

"Look into my eyes and tell me that you didn't confess love to him!"

"It's not what you think..." she cried.


She kept mum.

"Look into my eyes and tell me that you didn't have a miscarriage!" he said.

She looked down and cried bitterly.

She felt him pushing her and heard him saying, "You disgust me Khushi...."

"Arnav I love you...." she whispered.

"I hate you..." he whispered and walked out of the room.

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