Chapter 27

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Sydney Institution of Fashion

Ritika walked through the corridors during the recess break when she received a message.

Hey, where are you? – Manav :)

She smiled and replied, College of course! Walking to cafeteria. Where are you?

Her phone blinked with another message.

@Office. Walking to dad's office.

She was about to type back when she collided with someone and her phone fell down crashing into pieces.

"I'm so sorry" she heard someone saying and looked up to that person.

"You?" Ritika asked shocked.

"Hey Ritika"

"What are you doing here?" Ritika asked angrily.

"I was looking for you. I want to talk to you!" the person said.

"Go away. I don't want to see your face" Ritika said walking away when she felt a clutch on her hand. She turned to face the person angrily.

"Leave my hand or else...."

"I want to talk Ritika. Please listen to me!"

Raizada Corp. Head Office, Sydney

"Ok so what's the plan bhai?" Akash asked. There was a knock on the door and they saw Manav walking in. He sat near Akash and looked at Arnav.

"Why did you call me?" he asked.

Arnav sighed and said, "Ayan had called me. He informed me about Shyam's acts!"

"Ayan who?" Manav asked frowning.

"Ayan is Aman's son. Bhai had asked him to join SJ Fashions a month back to know Shyam's moves!" Akash said.

"Oh ok...." Manav said.

"Shyam is losing his clients. He is providing clothes of cheap quality although the designs of the clothes are good." Arnav said.

"Of course designs would be good. After all they used to work for AR!" Akash said.

Arnav nodded and said, "Ayan researched the matter and reported that Shyam is earning profit by cutting down the quality of the clothes. Although he is losing clients, he is investing the money he is getting by cutting short the quality in drugs."

"In short, the life of SJ employees is hard since the company is not earning profits but Shyam is getting money in his accounts!" Manav said.

"Yes" Arnav said, "The employees are suffering. They are struck with the contract they signed with the company. We cannot do this to them. After most of them used to put their hands and hearts together for us!"

"What do you say bhai? We're getting SJ?" Akash asked.

Arnav nodded and said, "We need to get our company under us again!"

Raizada Mansion, Sydney

Raizada men walking into the mansion at 6 pm exhausted from the work to find their lovely ladies in the living room laughing over Mahi's antics.

"Grow up Mahi. You're not a little girl anymore!" Manav cried as he walked to them and slumped on the couch.

"Mahi is always the little princess of Raizadas!" Mahi cried and everyone laughed.

"Listen everyone," Riya said coming downstairs, "I have completed my rehearsals for finals!"

"Which song are you singing?" Arnav asked.

"Just hold on by Louis Tomlinson!" Riya said.

"Ok then! Sing!" Khushi said and everyone sat down listening to Riya.

Riya cleared her throat and began.

Manav checked his phone and found no messages from Ritika. He had been trying to call her for the past 4 hours but she was not receiving his calls. He checked his watch. 6 pm. Her classes would be over by 4. Where is she? He started worrying.

He felt a nudge on his arm and turned to see Naina. She raised her eyebrows and he whispered, "Ritika is not receiving my calls!"

"She must be sleeping. You know her. Sleeps like log!" Naina signed and he chuckled. "May be" he said.

Riya suddenly stopped singing and looked at the entrance. Everyone frowned and followed her vision to the entrance to find Ritika standing with another person.

Everyone frowned seeing the new face but Manav jumped in anger.

"WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?" He roared in anger. Everyone looked at him shocked at his anger.

Ritika looked at her guest and then at Manav. She said, "She wanted to talk with you all!"

"Who is she?" Khushi asked standing up.

"Sonali" Manav said gritting his teeth.

Now they got it!

Sonali – the girl who was used by Shyam to play his daughter, the girl for whom Anjali killed Aarav!

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