Chapter 8

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Arnav and Khushi had walked into the school when little Mahi sprinted towards her mamma and hugged her waist. Khushi laughed and bend down to her height. Hugging her daughter, she said, "Arrey my Mahi is so happy!"

"Bhaiyya is gonna win!" Mahi cried and Khushi laughed, "Yes he is!"

"Papa" Mahi held her father's hand and held Khushi's hand with other. "Chalo na.....let's go inside. It's already 4.10!" Mahi cried and dragged them.

Mahi sat on Arnav's lap and Khushi sat beside Arnav on her chair and the trio watched the team of Good Shepherd International team walk into the field. Everyone cheered and Mahi clapped happily. "Bhaiyya...." she cried and Arnav and Khushi smiled seeing their son leading the team.

Saint Teresa High School team, the opponents, walked in and both the teams stood facing each other.

Manav walked front and shook hands with the captain of the opposite team and also with the referee.

The first half was over and the score was 2:2. Both teams were having some minutes rest and Mahi said to Arnav, "Papa, there are my friends. Can I go to them?" Arnav nodded and Mahi ran to her friends.

Arnav and Khushi sat looking at each other not knowing what to say. Khushi looked at the ground and smiled faintly. There was once a day when she couldn't keep her mouth shut before this man. She had many things to talk about, many things to share but today.....

"Manav played well na?" she heard him asking. "Hmm...." she said, "Just one more goal, he would win!"

"The team would win" he corrected.

She nodded and said, "Even if the team wins, my eyes will only be on my son! I will see my son winning!" he smiled.

It was then three girls came and sat before them.

The break was over and the second half began.

Arnav and Khushi heard one of the girl say, "WOW Ritz....your Manav is playing so well"

Arshi looked at each other. The word "your Manav" caught their ears. They looked at the girls.

"Ha yaar, Ritz...he is rocking!" another girl said.

"Hey," the girl named Ritz said, "Keep your eyes off him. He is your jeejaaji!"

"Oooohhh" the two girls cried and nudged Ritz from either sides.

"Waise Ritz, you can't blame us for having eyes on him. He is so hot!" the first girl said.

Ritz smacked her and said, "Shut up.....waise you're right. He is soooo hot!" she said dreaming.

The girls oooohhh'ed and aaaaaaah'ed.

Ritz sat back and said, "But he never notices me!"

"But he looked at you today na? During the practise sessions!" her friend said.

"Hmmm....." Ritz said, "I wish I was Mahi. Every day he goes to her and Mahi gives him a tight hug. If only I was in her place....."

"Oye, she is his sister! Now please don't envy her!"

"I'm not envying her. Mahi is such a cute girl. I envy him! How can someone be so hot and handsome?" Ritz said.

"Hey....look...look!" the second girl said and the three girls looked at the field. Arshi also looked at the field.

"MANAV....MANAV....MANAV....." The crowd cheered as Manav ghost past the defenders towards the post. Then the explosion of sound as he struck it crisply into the goal and the sudden thunderous eruption of exultant approbation were heard. The crowd rose from their seat and screamed their lungs out.

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