Chapter 15

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7.30 pm, Raizada Mansion

"Well I didn't expect that!" Aarav cried as he and Arnav sat by his poolside sipping coffee. Arnav chuckled and said, "Gosh Aarav, did you really think that I'll not approve yours and Naina's relation?"

"No it's not that but I was not sure how you would react! And when mami told that we should hide it from you I believed it. But she lied! She said that to you first!" Aarav said.

"Yes!" Arnav said, "Aarav tell me this, when you have any problem in your life who would be the first person you would discuss the matter with?"

"Naina! Then mami! Then you and then mamma!" Aarav said.

"That's it! When you love some truly, you can never hide things from them!" Arnav said, "Like me and your mami!"

Aarav smiled and Arnav then said, "But your mamma is a bit down in your emergency caller list. Why?"

Aarav shifted uncomfortably and said, "No it's not that I don't love her or something. I love her! She has loved me a lot, cared me, and treated me as her son! But she is not someone whom you can share everything. You know what I mean...she gets worried easily. She cannot withstand any problems! I just don't want to tense her. I have been doing this for years and now I got habitual to it!"

Arnav sighed and said, "A part of your words are right? Di is a bit sentimental!"

"We cannot be always emotional ASR. But mamma is. We need to be emotional but at the same time practical. Like you, like mami, like everyone here except mamma..." Aarav said.

"It's my mistake Aarav. She was insulted by people due to her limb. She was affected a lot. Seeing this I tried to protect her. Instead of making her face it and gather courage, I hid her inside my protective cocoon. And when years passed there was a woman who cannot withstand the storms of her life. It's my fault!" Arnav said.

Aarav sighed and then said, "But I don't think she would disapprove Naina. In the matter of relationships, she is always a love guru. Mami had told me many stories on how she helped Akash chachu and Payal maasi....and also you and that she would help me and Naina also! I'm sure!"

Arnav looked at him worried. He said in his mind, 'How will I tell him what di said? I should talk with Khushi!'

Same time, Gupta house

Manav was studying when he heard a knock. "Come in" he said with his hands working at high speed as he was scribbling in his notebook.

The door was opened and he heard the voice, "Manav, can I come in?"

He turned hearing Ritika's voice. "Yeah, come" he said and she walked in. He stood up from his chair and she stood before him.

"Manav, I'm alright now. I've recovered. So I should go!" she said.

"Go where?" he asked.

"Home" she said confused, "Isn't that obvious"

"Oh" he said with a slight tinge of disappointment, "But you'll be alone!"

"I've been alone for years Manav" she said with a faint smile, "I'm habitual!"

He nodded and looked away, " should talk to mom!"

"I informed her. I'll be going tomorrow morning. Thought to tell you!" she said. He nodded and smiled, "Okay. Bye"

"You can say that tomorrow" she said laughing. He smiled and nodded.

"Okay, I'll leave. Continue your study" she said and left the room. Manav closed the room and sat back on his chair.

He kept twisting the pen and sighed. 1 day! She just stayed here for one day and he don't want her leave! He closed the maths note. It doesn't interest him anymore.

11.45 pm, Gupta house

"Di said that?" she asked worried.

He hummed and said, "She just can't take the fact that they are in relation. Don't know how she'll react after hearing that Naina was pregnant!"

"Now what will we do Arnav?" Khushi asked worried.

"I'm worried about Aarav. If he comes to know then..."

"What if he comes to know what di did? How will he take it? Will he believe us that his mother is actually going behind our backs and cheating us?" Khushi asked.

"I don't know Khushi. I never expected this from di. I thought she was over with Shyam but..."Arnav said.

She sighed and said, "Now let it go. We have to work together and bring it to light! It's not that she doesn't love us anymore. She loves Shyam than anybody else!"

"Why can't she see the true face Khushi? After all his doings she still runs behind him! What kind of love is this?" he said.

"Because once you start loving someone, you can never stop loving" Khushi whispered.

Same time, Raizada house

Naina lied down on her bed thinking about random things when she heard the knock. She walked to the door and opened it to find Aarav standing before her. Before she could do anything he entered the room and closed the door.

"What happened?" she asked using her sign language.

"Nothing, just came to see you" he signed.

"You're crazy. What if someone see?"

"Let them see!" he said coming closer.

"Aarav you need to leave. We're not at Harvard and this is not our flat!" Naina said walking backward.

"But I'm the same Aarav and you're the same girl I'm in love with!" he smirked and pulled her. She crashed on his chest and he caressed her cheeks. She gulped and looked at him.

"Beautiful!" he whispered and she looked down shyly. He smiled and leaned and kissed her red cheeks. He kissed her forehead, eyes, nose and jaw. She was clutching his shirt and parted her lips expecting his next kiss there.

A minute passed and she opened her eyes not feeling him close to her. He stood before her smirking and she pushed him. "You're playing" she signed and he pulled her and slammed his lips on her.

Both of them kept kissing wildly for a while but had to break apart hearing the door knock. Naina looked at Aarav panicked and signed, "Aarav, someone is here. Go and hide..."

He nodded and rushed into the washroom and hid there. Naina wiped the sweat beads from her face and walked to open the door. Before her stood Anjali.

"I'm sorry but did I wake you up?" Anjali asked.

Naina nodded no.

"Woh, I need to talk something. Can I come in?" she asked and Naina moved aside making a space.

Anjali sat on the bed and said, "So Naina, let me be very straight. Stay away from Aarav!"

Naina stood numb and Anjali said, "You really think I'm not aware of your relationship. Anyone can see that something is there between you two. But let me warn you, stay away from my son!"

Naina looked at her shocked.

"I don't care whether you love or he loves or whatever. I don't want you near my son! So it would be better if you leave this place. I came here to say this. Go away from here and from Aarav's life!" she shouted.

"That's enough mom!"

Anjali and Naina turned to left hearing voice and Anjali stood shocked seeing Aarav coming out of the washroom.

"Why are you at some girl's room Aarav?" Anjali asked angrily.

Aarav stood before her firmly and said, "I'm not at "some girl's" room mom. I'm at Naina's room, the girl whom I love" 

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