Chapter 19

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AR Fashions, 2.30 pm

"Manav? You here?" Aman asked seeing his boss' son walking into the showroom with a girl. "Hii Aman uncle" Manav said and turned to Ritika, "Ritz, this is Aman uncle, dad's Friday man! Uncle, this is Ritika, my friend"

Aman and Ritika greeted each other. "What are you doing here uncle? You must be with dad with some files right?" Manav asked amused seeing Aman standing with some girls clothes in his hand.

Aman sighed and said, "All thanks to your sisters Manav. Apparently Riya and Mahi didn't like the costumes Akash sir had bought them and ordered me to get new!"

Manav laughed and said, "Don't worry uncle. You go to office. I'll select for them!"

"Oh thank you Manav. I was getting confused with all these same coloured dresses!" Aman said handing over a bunch of clothes to Manav. Ritika got a shopping cart and Manav put it into the cart. Aman bid bye to them and Manav and Ritika walked into the kids section.

"I hope you don't mind getting a bit late. Woh, we have to select for Mahi and Riya and then for ourselves also!" Manav said.

"Not at all.....after all I am coming to your home afterwards right? We'll go directly! We'll change from here and go home to the engagement!" Ritika said.

Manav nodded and both of them started selecting dresses for Mahi and Riya.

They finalized a pink frock for Mahi and a peach gown for Riya. Manav searched through many shirts to get him one when Ritika walked to him with a white shirt. "Go for this!" she said handing him one.

"White shirt with?" he asked.

"Hmmm....white shirt, black no...there is another combo" she went to the next section and brought him a full sleeve plain black tee. Handing it over, she said, "Black tee, black jeans and a navy blue overcoat! That'll rock!"

He took a navy blue coat and jeans and said, "Let me try!"

"Ok, come to saree section. I'll be there! And yeah, come wearing the costume!" she said.

"Ok but saree? You're wearing saree?" he asked and she nodded yes and ran away.

"This one looks good on you dear!" the salesgirl said placing a green saree on Ritika's shoulder. "The colour matches you" she said.

Ritika looked to the mirror and hummed.

It was then Manav came. "Ritz, how is it?"

Ritika turned and she looked at him gulping. He was smoking hot. The costume was matching him if it was just made for him!

"Ritz" he called out.

She woke up from the trance and said, "Superb. It's perfect!"

Manav beamed and said, "I think I should go with this!" he walked to her, "What about you?" he looked at the green saree, "Eeew.....that definitely doesn't suit you!"

"It doesn't?" she asked looking at the saree, "I thought it's good"

"It's good but not for you!" he said and turned to the salesgirl, "Can you show me the saree worn by AR's showstopper during the last Paradise fashion show?"

"Err....sure's costly...really expensive!" the salesgirl said and looked at Ritika. "Manav, I don't need an expensive saree" Ritika nudged Manav. Manav ignored her and said, "Don't bother about money. Just show it!"

The salesgirl nodded and led them to another section. She took out the blood red saree with golden thread work and handed it over to Ritika. She said to Manav, "This is one of the best designs of our boss, Arnav Singh Raizada!"

Manav smiled and Ritika adored the saree. It was beyond perfection! She kept the saree pallu on her shoulder and looked at Manav. He smiled and said, "You're taking this!"

Ritika looked at the price tag and gasped. "No Manav look at this! I don't have this much money with me!"

"Who said you are paying for this?" he asked smirking. "Manav, no you're not gonna spend for me!" Ritika said.

"May be you can take this!" salesgirl said handing Ritika another red saree with beautiful black border. "This was the second best design of the Paradise show"

Ritika looked at it and asked, "By ASR?"

"No, by his son!" salesgirl said.

Ritika looked at Manav and he nodded.

"I have never seen him" salesgirl said, "but I have heard that he is an extremely talented designer, just like his father. He sometimes helps AR designers for some shows!"

"You never told me this Manav!" Ritika gasped and turned to him. Manav smiled and Ritika said, "Can you design a gown for me too?" she asked cutely. He laughed and said, "Sure, why not?"

"Err....but..." salesgirl looked at both of them confused.

Manav smiled and Ritika said, "You have never met ASR's son haven't you?" the salesgirl nodded and Ritika said wrapping her arm around Manav's arm, "Well you have just met him. This is Manav! Manav Singh Raizada! ASR's son!"

The salesgirl gasped and closed her mouth. Did she just say that the saree was expensive to AR's heir?

Arnav walked into his room and looked at the watch. It was 5.30 pm. He had to look into the catering and then the work is over. The engagement was at 7.00 pm.

"But where is Manav?" he muttered. Aman had told him that Manav and Ritika were at AR boutique but it's almost 5.30 now. He took out his cell to call Manav but his phone is switched off.

"Papa..." Mahi came running. "Papa why is bhaiyya not here. Aman uncle told he will bring my dress and it's already 5.30! Riya didi and I have to get ready!" she complained.

"He'll come dear. I'm trying to call him!" he said trying not to bring out his worry in his voice. Mahi nodded and ran out of the room. Khushi came to him and said frantically, "Arnav, Manav has still not come!"

"Do you have Ritika's number?" he asked and she nodded. "I called her but it's unreachable!"

"Damn, where are those two?" Arnav muttered. "Wait, let me call the boutique!"

He dialled the boutique and asked about his son.

"Yes sir, your son had come over with a girl but both of them left by 3.30!" the receptionist informed.

Arnav looked at the watch. 5.30 pm! He looked at Khushi worriedly. "What happened? What did they say? Arnav please tell!" "They left the shop at 3.30!"

"What!" she whispered, "And still not here....god!"

It was then Arnav's phone rang. He took it without looking at the caller id. "Arnav Singh Raizada here" he said.

"Mr. Raizada, this is sub inspector of police speaking"

"Yes...yes sir. Tell me. What can I do for you?" he asked sensing something wrong.

"I got your number from his identity card. I'm sorry to say this sir, but your son and his friend have got into an accident. Please come over to city hospital as soon as possible!"

The phone slipped from his hand.

"Arnav what happened?" Khushi shouted shaking him, "You gotta tell me Arnav....WHAT HAPPENED!" she screamed.

He opened his mouth to say but suddenly his phone beeped a message. Khushi bend down and took his phone. She gasped reading it.

How does it feel to see your loved ones in pain? Just a beginning Arnav....this is just a beginning......


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