Chapter 12

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Khushi cut the call and looked at the person shocked.

Before her stood a frozen Ritika.

"So you were lying! You are not separated!"

"Ritika main...."

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Ritika cried.

"Ritika listen...we've a valid reason...." Khushi said when Ritika shouted, "REASON? What is more important than your children?"

"Ritika stop!" Khushi said, "You don't know the story"

"But I know how much it affected Manav and Mahi!" Ritika said, "You met me during football match. You know that Manav is my crush. Then hear it....I have been following him since the past one year. I have seen how much he has changed in a much Mahi has changed....all because of you both!"

Khushi turned to Ritika, "Please keep this away from Manav. Arnav and I did this for our children. It's not that we are not concerned about them. We did this just because their safety was at stake. We decided to stay away for them. And we have to keep this going until the problem is solved!"

"What problem?" Ritika asked.

"I cannot tell you that Ritika" Khushi said firmly, "But it's a big problem. And you're going to keep this away from my children."

"Ok you need to hide to from Mahi, fine! But Manav? Why hiding from him? Why can't you tell him?" Ritika asked.

"Ritika, this is concerned about Manav and Mahi. How can I tell them the actual issue?" Khushi said.

Ritika sighed and looked down.

"Just forget that you heard my conversation. Don't say anything to anyone!" Khushi said.

She sighed and nodded.

"Please Ritika, can I trust you? Please...."

"Fine. I won't tell this to anyone!" Ritika said. Khushi smiled and nodded a thank you.

Arnav was looking at the phone. What happened there? Why did Khushi cut the call? Did anyone hear their conversation? Did Manav hear? Oh god!

He sat tensed when the door of his room was opened.

"What the hell!" He shouted in frustration and saw Mahi.


Mahi jerked hearing her father's loud voice and said trembling, "Pa...Pa....woh...I need help...."

Arnav closed his eyes and sighed. Taking a deep breath, he said, "Come here!"

Mahi came slowly and he lifted her up. Making her sit on his lap he said, "Sorry papa was in stress and just blasted on you. Please forgive me!"

Mahi smiled cutely and said, "Its ok. Papa can you help me with this?" she asked showing him her English text book.

"What is it?" he asked taking the book in his hand and made Mahi sit opposite to him.

"I can't understand what past tense and present tense is!" Mahi said sadly. (Imagine that they are speaking in Hindi)

"Past tense is something that happened in past. For example, Manav won the football match yesterday! See....Manav won it yesterday. It has already happened. So the verb won is in past tense!"

"Hmmm.....I'm talking with papa....that is present!" Mahi said.

" the verb talking is in present tense! Now say something in past tense!" Arnav said.

She thought for a while and said, "We were a happy family!" she said slowly.

Arnav looked at her and she was looking down with a fallen face. He gulped down the lump formed at his throat.

Night 10.30 pm

"Not asleep?"

Ritika jumped hearing the voice. She turned and found Manav standing near the terrace door.

"" she said.

"Go inside girl. You have fever!" he said angrily. "But I love here. This place is so nice" she said pouting.

"It's cold here Ritika. You're already ill!" he said and she pouted.

"And plus, students need to sleep well at night" he said.

"Acha? Then why are you up now?" she asked raising her eyebrows! He chuckled and said, "I'm a night owl!"

"Ah....night owl? Let me say.....koyi tumhari khayalo main aa jaati hun right?" (You're dreaming of someone right?)

"I'm not Ritika to dream about her crush!" Manav sang.

"How do you know I dream about my crush? And by the way, who said that I have a crush?" she asked turning to him.

He crossed his arms and said, "My parents. They narrated the whole incident where you sat ogling at my sweated body during the football match!"

She turned around looking away and bit her lips. "No....I didn't mean about you. I was looking at someone else!"

"Really?" he said and came in front of her, "As far as I know, you were screaming my name from the gallery. And there is only one Manav in the football team – and that's me!"

"Fine!" she retorted, "I have a crush on you. Happy?"

He laughed and she said, "You must be enjoying na? You have the whole girls of the school behind you. Such an arrogant jerk!"

"Arrey why are you blaming me? Girls run behind me because I'm hot!" he said laughing.

"Huh? Hot and you? Have you seen Zayn Malik? You can never compete with him!" Ritika said.

"Wait a minute. Are you a Zayn fan?" he asked.

"Yes!" she said.

"Whoa!" he said, "I'm a great fan of Zayn. My room is full of his posters!"

"Really? Posters? Show me!" she cried. "Come come..." he said and dragged her to his room.

"Whoa....." she cried looking around the room. "You have so many pics..." she cried and ran around the room. "Manav please...please give me this poster...." she cried pointing to one of the posters of Zayn Malik.

He smiled and signed her to take it.

"Sachi....are you sure?" she cried and he nodded. He walked to her and plucked out the poster. He gave it and she held his hand and jumped with joy. "Thank you Manav...thank you so much...."

He smiled and patted her head, "You're cute" he said and she giggled. 

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