Chapter 20

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Everyone was seated in the hospital corridor and Khushi leaned on Arnav. He draped his arm around her and she rested her face on his crook of neck.

"Manav..." she whispered in her cracking voice and he kept mum. The door of the operation theatre opened and doctor walked out.

"Doctor, how is he?" Arnav asked.

"A minor head injury. We have operated him. Don't worry, he is fine!" he said.

"And the girl?" Akash asked.

"She has broken her leg" doctor said. The inspector who came to them said to Arnav, "According to the witnesses, the car was about to hit your son when the girl pushed him and got herself hit. Manav got his head smashed on a lamp post due to the push."

"Yes, your son is fine. But the girl is injured!" doctor said.

"Where are they? Can we meet them?" Khushi asked.

"Ritika is up. She is in that room" doctor said pointing to a room, "You can meet her. Manav is sleeping under sedatives."

"Don't worry Mr. Raizada, we'll find him!" inspector said writing down details about Shyam. "Is this all? He just suddenly contacted you with this message, after 20 years!"

Arnav sighed and said, "No there is much more"

Inspector kept down his pen and signed him to tell. Arnav told him everything right from the start.

"Okay" he said swirling his chair in his office, "So you and your wife is faking a divorce to fool them!"

He nodded and inspector said, "Why didn't you contact police earlier?"

"We needed more proofs to support ourselves. And you don't know Shyam. He is an excellent lawyer. He'll win at court." Arnav said.

The police sighed and said, "Ok then, I'll look into it. I'll call you"

"Thank you sir" Arnav said and got up.

Manav was brought to Raizada mansion. Doctor had asked him to take a week bed rest. Nani asked Khushi to stay in RM since Shashi, Garima and Buaji were on pilgrimage. Ritika's parents were informed and her mother flew back to Delhi and took her home.

Aarav and Naina's engagement was postponed till Manav gets well. Anjali, although Aarav had talked with her, refused to accept Naina which hurt him so much.

"Mamma please.....I hate it! Take it away..." Manav cried. "Manav, you have to eat this!" Khushi said sternly.

"I hate karela juice!" Manav whined, "Mahi look at this. Your mamma is forcing bhaiyya to have this!" he turned to little Mahi who was sitting on his bed near him.

Mahi nodded no and said, "You have to drink this bhaiyya. No drama!"

Manav narrowed his eyes and said, "Wait and watch. When you fall ill I'll also make you drink this!" and he turned to Khushi, "Please mom...please please please..."

"Manav" Riya came to the room, "If you drink that juice, you'll be well soon and you'll be able to visit Ritika!" she said smirking.

Manav stopped whining and glared at her.

Khushi looked at Riya and Manav. "What are you talking about?"

"Maasi, your son was whining yesterday that he did not meet Ritika for 2 days!" Riya said, "Hai na Manav?" she asked innocently.

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