Chapter 9

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"Riya didi would have reached home na?" Mahi asked hopping on the back seat. Manav smiled at her excitement. Arnav nodded no and said, "Looks like she is late!"

"Late? But her bus was at 5.30!" Khushi said, "It's already 6.15!"

"Akash has gone to bus station to get her. You know Riya! She must be wandering here and there!" Arnav said.

"How fun this is! It's been a long time we four have travelled together. Haina bhaiyya?" Mahi cried.

A silence prevailed in the car and Manav didn't know what to answer to his little sister.

"Dad, that girl in the stadium...why did you ask about her?" Manav said to change the topic.

"Ah, Ritika?" Arnav asked.

"Yeah whatever the name is..."

"She was talking to her friends about you!" Khushi said, "That she loves you and all that....."

"Oh, ok!" Manav said.

"Ok? So you knew about it?" Arnav asked surprised.

"Ha....Abhi told me about it!" Manav said.

"You're exactly like your father. Even he had many girls behind him during school and college!" Khushi said.

"Why then? I have girls behind me even now!" Arnav said smiling.

"Look at him! So proud of it!" Khushi muttered.

"Arrey is it my fault that I'm too handsome?" Arnav said and Manav laughed.

"Handsome and you?" Khushi scoffed.

"Why? Aren't you the one who ogled at me during Akash and Payal's engagement?" Arnav asked.

"Excuse me that was you!" Khushi cried.

"As if you never did that!" Arnav scoffed.

"You...." Khushi began when Manav said, "Ok now stop it both of you...." Mahi giggled seeing the argument and Manav patted her head. "See even Mahi is amused by your argument. Haina Mahi?" Manav asked and little Mahi nodded her head vigorously.

"Manav!!!!!!!" Riya cried and jumped on her brother. Manav laughed and hugged her. "I missed you so much idiot!" Riya cried.

"Riya!" Akash warned, "How many times have I asked you to call him bhai?"

"It's ok chachu. I don't mind!" Manav said laughing and patted Riya's head.

"Riya didi!" Mahi cried and Riya lifted Mahi and hugged her. "Arrey wah, my Mahi is looking so cute!" Mahi giggled.

"And Manav, heard that you won the match!" Riya said and Manav nodded.

"So now tell me, how many proposals did you get today and how many girls ogled at you during match?" Riya asked crossing her arms.

"Hmmm....let me think..." Manav said narrowing his brows, "Countless!"

Riya laughed and Arnav said, "He has got a girl behind her Riya. Her name is Ritika!"

"You should have been there. She was just looking at Manav during the whole match!" Khushi said laughing.

"Maasi, you should know that she is not the only one who is affected by your ever handsome son!" Riya said laughing.

Everyone laughed.

"Waise Riya, why were you late?" Arnav asked.

Riya looked at him with a puppy face and Akash said, "You know what bhai, we need to tie her up somewhere. I told her to come home directly from bus station and this girl went to the shop beside it and got into an argument with the shopkeeper there."

"Arrey, I purchased a dress of 1000 rupees and gave him a Rs: 2000 note. And he refused to give me 1000 back and asked me to get one more. And I shouted at him! Did I do wrong?" Riya asked.

"No" Manav said and Payal said, "Manav you keep quite. You always support her!"

"At least I have one who supports me!" Riya retorted, "Not like others who just find faults in me!"

"Riya, stop it!" Akash said.

"Yeah, I should keep my mouth shut!" she scoffed.

"Riya!" Akash said sternly.

"Okay fine!" Riya lifted her hands in surrender, "I won't utter anything more!" and she stormed upstairs.

Everyone watched her going and Mahi asked, "Why does Akash chachu and Riya didi always fight?" Manav patted her head and signed her to keep quiet.

"Hii ASR" Arnav was watering the plants when he heard Riya's voice.

He turned to find Riya standing behind him. He smiled and said, "Come"

"How are you? I'm sorry I didn't notice you in between the argument downstairs!" Riya said.

"You both always fight! Poor Payal, she always have a tough time playing the mediator game!" Arnav said continuing his watering as Riya stood beside him.

"But it's always him who starts. Why does dad always find faults in me?" Riya asked.

"He is just worried about you" Arnav said smiling.

"Even you are worried about Manav and Mahi but you never do that. You never send them to boarding school to set you right!" Riya said offended.

Arnav kept down the watering can and turned to her. "Riya" he said firmly, "There is one thing you should always remember. Your father loves you a lot. May be even more than he loves your mother!"

Riya nodded and said smiling, "I know that ASR. And that's the only reason why I'm still coming back home! I know he loves all love me....that makes me happy."

Arnav smiled and Riya continued, "But sometimes I feel jealous of Manav and Mahi. Here they are staying happily with their family and me......I'm staying all alone at Calcutta. No matter what, friends can never be family! I love hostel life but I love family life more!"

"Then stop being so rebellious at school. Akash gets call from your teachers, almost every day. If that reduces, may be, he'll bring you back!" Arnav said.

Riya laughed and said, "As if that is gonna happen! I'm like this and I'll always be like this!"

Arnav rolled his eyes.

"Waise, if you don't mind me asking, what happened between you and maasi?" Riya asked.

Arnav looked at her.

"Sorry but I don't know!" Riya said honestly, "Last month, one fine morning, Manav called me at hostel and informed me. He was crying! When I asked the reason why you got divorced he gave the answer "I don't know. No one knows". What is this ASR? What has gotten into the prince and princess of Mahi's fairy tale?"

"Riya....stay as a child!" he said.

Riya sighed and nodded. "I know I'm very young to interfere in couples' drama. But being a sister, I cannot help but say, Mahi and Manav are very much hurt. Manav doesn't show anything but I can see it through him. He is deeply hurt! And Mahi...she is an open book. Even you might have noticed how much she has changed!"


"You need to see how much happy she becomes when she sees you and maasi together?" Riya said.

"Why are you blaming me? Even your maasi is equally responsible!" Arnav retorted.

Riya laughed and said, "I have given her the dosage through phone ASR. What do you think I was doing all this time? I don't know the reason behind the divorce but both of you are equally at fault. If Manav and Mahi are suffering, it's only because of you both."

Arnav looked at her and she said, "Good luck" and walked away.

Precap: Flashbacks

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