Chapter 22

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It was 11 at night and Khushi walked into the terrace to check the clothes she had hung for drying.

"Ha Shyam ji, I'm fine. Just give the phone to her" Anjali said over phone.

Khushi stood behind the door listening.

"What do you think Sonali? Why did you hurt Ritika? Hurting that girl will not hurt Arnav and Khushi!" Anjali shouted.

Khushi stood shocked. Who is Sonali? Is she the same girl Manav said who attacked Ritika? How does she know di? And why did she say that hurting Ritika won't hurt us? Who is Sonali to di?

"Baby, I know you hate Manav but see, he is your brother. You should not hurt him!" Anjali said sweetly.

'BROTHER?' Khushi stood shocked.

"I was about to tell you that Khushi. Aman had called me some minutes ago and gave me the details. Shyam and di have a daughter named Sonali!" Arnav said.

"But how? Di had a miscarriage!" she said in disbelief.

Arnav sighed and said, "Shyam fooled us Khushi. Aman dug into the matter and gave me the full report. Shyam planned di's fall on her godhbarai but she didn't have a miscarriage. Instead she had a premature delivery. Shyam asked the doctor to hide it from her and the family. He took away his daughter and brought her up. Di didn't have an idea about her daughter until six months ago!"

Khushi stood listening and he said, "Shyam made Sonali and di meet. Sonali is exactly like Shyam since he was the one who brought her up. Her mind is full of venom towards us and the whole Raizada family because she thinks we all separated her parents. Shyam brainwashed di against us using Sonali and she turned against us!"

"So this was how it started!" Khushi whispered.

Arnav nodded.

Anjali lied on her bed and looked at the clock. It was 11.45 pm. She looked at her mobile which showed a message symbol. Opening the message, she read it.

My men are ready. Send Aarav – Shyam

She deleted the message and stood up on the floor. A part of her screamed her to stop. 'No I cannot do this. Aarav is my son. I cannot hurt him' she murmured.

'But what about Sonali? Isn't she yours?' another part of her brain screamed, 'you're separated from her for 18 years because of your brother. You didn't even know her existence. Shyam ji brought her up alone due to your family. You've to do this, for Sonali!'

She sighed and walked to Aarav's room.

Aarav opened the door and she smiled at him. "Ma, what happened?"

"Aarav, I'm having serious migraine pain. My medicines are over. Can you get it from medical shop!" she asked using her weak voice.

"Sure ma" Aarav said, "let me get dressed!"

"Here you go young man" the pharmacist gave him the medicine and he walked out paying him. He entered the car and started to drive when he suddenly stopped seeing a van in front of him.

"Hello, just move your vehicle, man!" he shouted through the window. Seeing no answer, he got out of the car and walked towards the van.

Suddenly something hit his head and all he then found was darkness.

12.35 am

Naina sat up on her bed worried. She had seen Aarav walking out to his car at 12. On asking he had said that he was going to get his mother her medicines.

'It's 12.30. Where is he? Why isn't he back?' she thought in tears and she dialled his number in the hope to hear his voice that will tell her that he is fine.

The number you're calling is currently switched off. The voice greeted her and she threw her phone in frustration.

She ran to Mahi's room where Mahi and Khushi would be sleeping and knocked the door.

"Naina?" Khushi frowned as she opened it. Naina hugged her in tears and Khushi asked "What happened dear?"

Naina explained everything to her in her sign language and Khushi stood shocked. "You mean he is not home!" she cried and Naina nodded.

Khushi ran to Anjali's room and knocked hysterically, "Di. Open the door!"

Anjali opened the door and Khushi cried, "Where is Aarav?"

"I don't know. He must be there in his room!" Anjali said rubbing her eyes.

"But he went out of get your medicines right?" Khushi asked.

"What? Medicines for me?" Anjali asked shocked.

Khushi looked at Naina who looked at her shocked. "But Aarav had said to Naina that he was going to get you your medicines as your said him to!"

"What are you saying Khushi ji? I never asked him to get me medicines and why would I? I have my medicines in here. Naina is lying!" Anjali said.

Hearing the commotion everyone gathered and Khushi cried, "But then where is Aarav?"

Naina nudged Khushi and said in her sign language, "I swear Khushi mami, he told me that Anjali Ma wanted her medicines and he was going to get it. He said me!"

"I trust you Naina" Khushi said and Arnav said looking to his phone, "His phone is ringing but not picking up!"

"Where is he?" Payal cried and Akash said, "Bhai, come we'll look for him!" Arnav nodded and was about to move when his phone rang.

"It's Aarav" he cried and "Aarav, where are you?" he cried, "Come home. All are worried here!"

"Hello" a strange voice said.

"Who are you? Where is Aarav?" Arnav asked frowning.

"Mr. Raizada? This is sub inspector Rathode speaking from Aarav's phone" the voice said.

"Sir? Aarav?" Arnav asked and others held their breath hearing Arnav's side of coversation.

"Mr. Raizada, I'm afraid it's a bad news. You must come over to city hospital as soon as possible!" inspector said.

"What happened Mr. Rathode?" Arnav asked in his shivering voice.


Arnav cut the call and stood frozen. His breath became irregular and he started sweating.

"What happened to Aarav, please tell me!" Khushi cried clutching his arm.

Arnav gulped down and said in a fragile voice, that none of the Raizadas had ever heard him use,

"Aarav is.........."

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