Chapter 17

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12.35 am, Raizada Mansion

"Di, listen to me once...." Khushi said calmly.

"Nahi Khushi ji, I know you're here to convince me to accept that girl but let me tell you, it's not gonna work!" Anjali said.

Khushi looked at others who were sitting worriedly in the living room of Raizada Mansion.

"Where are Aarav and Naina?" Khushi asked calmly.

"Up in Aarav's room" Payal said.

"I think everyone should go to bed now. We'll discuss the matter tomorrow!" Khushi declared.

"Whatever it is, I WON'T ACCEPT HER!" Anjali said sternly.

"We'll talk about it di" Khushi said.

"There is nothing to talk!" Anjali retorted.

"Stop arguing with me. We've to sit on this matter. It's related to Aarav!" Khushi said sternly.

"He is my son and I'll decide for him" Anjali said.

"Stop it di, we all have a say in his life!" Arnav said not liking her tone.

"Di, I know that Aarav is your son. But Arnav ji is his mama, I'm his mami, Akash Jeeju....."

"Everyone here are his relations Khushi ji, but you're no one to him. You're no one in this house too. You and Chotte are divorced right? You don't belong here and nor do you have any say in Aarav's life. So it would be very nice if you stay out of this" Anjali said angrily.

Everyone gasped at her words and Arnav clutched his fist tightly. Khushi looked at her shocked. No matter what, she never expected to hear those words.

Arnav was about to react when they heard a voice from upstairs. It was Aarav. He walked down and said straight at Anjali's face, "Whether she and ASR have separated or not, I don't care. She is my mami and will always be. She will have a say on my life, may be even more than you"

"Aarav!" Anjali shouted.

"Stop it everyone" Nani said, "We'll stop this here. It's late night!" she turned to Khushi and said, "Khushi bitiya, you stay here for tonight!"

"I'll leave" Khushi said hoarsely. She gave a final look at Anjali and turned back when Arnav called, "Khushi"

She turned and looked at him. "You're staying here" he declared, "Go to Mahi! She is sleeping upstairs" and he walked away.

2.45 am

Khushi silently sneaked out of Mahi's room to Arnav who was waiting for her. They reached before Anjali's room and slightly pushed the door. The door opened and she peeped in. There she was sleeping on the bed. Khushi closed the door.

They walked to their room and sat by the poolside.

"Long time" she whispered smiling and looked around the poolside, the favourite place of hers, and hugged her husband tight. He hugged her back. "I missed you so much" he whispered and crushed her in his arms.

She withdrew from the hug and looked at him. Her eyes screaming love for him. She stood on her toes and pecked his lips. "I missed you too" she whispered. He smiled and pulled her for a passionate kiss.

After hours, they both lied together cuddling to each other. "Now what Arnav?" she asked as she snuggled to him.

"Have to get more proofs against Shyam. Aman is working on that dear. But to make Shyam believe that he is winning over us, we've to fake this separation!" Arnav said caressing her back.

"And when are we gonna expose her?" Khushi asked.

Arnav sighed and said, "The day we would lock Shyam would be her last here!"

"You're gonna kick her out?" she asked sitting up on the bed. He sat up and nodded. "I trusted her Khushi. But she, my own sister, cheated me. After everything we did for her, she ditched us and went to that **** in the name of her silly love!"

Two months before

Arnav walked to his di's room. She had an appointment with doctor the next day and he had to get the timings. He knocked her door but getting no reply, opened it.

He walked in to find an empty room but heard voices from poolside. He slowly walked to the poolside to hear his sister speaking.

"Nahi Shyam ji....I cannot do anything. Chotte loves Khushi so much. The whole family loves her and her children. Chotte no more loves me. His world revolve around Khushi, Manav and Mahi."


"But how? Even I want Khushi to go out but how?" she said.


"Hmm....let me try that. I'll try to create rifts between them."


"No Shyam ji.....she would never harm her children!"


"What? I harm Manav or Mahi and put the blame on Khushi? That's a great idea! Chotte would hate Khushi. And if the bait is Mahi, then Manav would also hate Khushi!"

Arnav stood frozen hearing his di speaking.

He silently walked to his room and was greeted by the most wonderful sight.

Manav was trying to get his mobile from Mahi who was running around with it. Khushi was sitting on the bed laughing at their children. Manav finally got Mahi and lifted her. He could hear his daughter's squeal as Manav dumped her on the bed. He walked in smiling faintly seeing them fight for the mobile.

"Papa.........." Mahi cried, "Dekho na...bhaiyya is hurting me!"

"Then give me my mobile girl!" Manav shouted, "Dad, she is not giving my phone!"

"Manav, Mahi....go to your rooms!" Arnav said and Mahi ran out sticking out her tongue at Manav. "Give me my phone Mahi!" Manav shouted and ran behind her.

"What's wrong Arnav ji?" Khushi asked looking at Arnav who was sitting worried.

He narrated Anjali's conversation.

Khushi sat frozen.

"Di is still in contact with him? After all these years!" she said in disbelief.

He nodded and said, "I can't believe this Khushi. Di is cheating us all. She is planning to hurt Mahi and put blame on you. How can she sya like that? How could she betray us?" he broke down.

"Arnav ji..." Khushi cried and hugged him, "We have do something. We cannot let this happen. Our kids....she is gonna hurt them..." the mother in her woke up.

Arnav sat up and said wiping his tears, "I won't let her hurt our children. We have to plan something Khushi!" Khushi nodded and looked at him.

"There is only one solution!" he said and looked at her, "We have to make her believe that she is on right track!"


"We have to act like fighting....moving apart!" he said.

Khushi looked at him and asked, "Moving apart means?"

Arnav sighed and said, "Khushi, we should fake a divorce!"

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