Chapter 31

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Chapter 45. Who am I?

It's all over! The promises, the love, the moments...everything are just memories now! Memories which I'll cherish for my lifetime!

It's now exactly four years after I stepped into the gates of Harvard. From an unlucky child who was literally kicked out of house, I am, today, the daughter-in-law of Raizada khaandaan. The daughter-in-law who was never married to their son!

For Shyam Manohar Jha and his partners, it was just another murder they would love to add to their long list but for me it was my life that they stabbed. Aarav, the man who loved me despite my flaws, who taught me to fight in life, who saw me behind my gone forever. Like a bird, he flew away to come back never again.

People who knew my story praised me for my courage. They admired me for living courageously and fighting against the odds. Some asks why I didn't end up my life when he died.

The answer is simple. He is never dead for me! The evening after Manav lit his pyre he had come to me. He had talked to me and asked me to live for him. He stopped me to take the blade to my wrist. He cuddled me and whispered sweet things to my ears. He was there, my Aarav.

I see him every day; every night...

I feel him near me, every time I need him.

When I first stepped into Harvard, I had asked myself – Who am I?

I'm the unlucky child, a curse, of my family.

Today I asks myself – Who am I?

I'm the unmarried widow of Aarav Singh Raizada.

He closed the book and leaned back on his seat. His watch showed 6.30 pm. Two more hours to go and they'll land in India.

Keeping the book away he looked to his left to find her sleeping on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and cuddled her.

"Aarav bhai!"

He heard a voice and turned to his right to find Manav sitting up on the couch of their private jet.

"You're awake?" Aarav asked and Manav nodded groggily. He looked around to find everyone sleeping. "Sleepy heads!" Manav muttered and Aarav chuckled.

"Well, read the book?" Manav asked as he walked to him.

Aarav hummed and said, "It wasn't necessary. I got my memory back but's Naina's work. I ought to read it!"

"I didn't know that Naina didi's words were so powerful. You started remembering things just after you completed the first five chapters!" Manav exclaimed.

"'re disturbing her" Aarav whispered and Manav smirked, "Oh she is fine!" Manav chuckled looking at Naina who was comfortably sleeping in Aarav's arms.

"Now stop gawking over us and go to your girlfriend!" Aarav scolded him.

"Ah Ritz? Never mind, she is very abusive during sleep. She once tried to strangle me!" Manav said.

"Well that means you're sleeping with her!" Aarav said with a raised eyebrow.

"Bhai" Manav cried, "It was just a sleepover. It's not what you think!"

"We'll see my boy! Even I said the same to my friends when they used to question me regarding this girl!" Aarav said pointing to the girl sleeping in his arms.

Manav blushed and cried, "I'm going" and he ran away while Aarav laughed at his brother.

And the court has decided to set Anjali Jha free and also pay her compensation for the wrong verdict which led her to spend three years in jail.

Shyam Manohar Jha is accused of kidnapping and murdering and also employee harassment charges and the court here have decided to give him lifetime imprisonment.

Shyam gritted his teeth at Arnav as he was dragged by the police. Arnav sighed and turned to his family who had a look of relief.

Well, it's been two months that Aarav was back. Just four chapters of Naina's book were enough to trigger his forgotten memories. And Aarav Singh Raizada was back with a bang! Arnav, Akash, Aarav and Manav together started planning against Shyam and collected solid evidences against him using Ayan who acted as a mole from SJ Fashions.

All's well that end well! Every property of Raizadas which was acquired by Shyam was back to Aarav now and Shyam is arrested.

But then.....

"What about her?" Khushi asked and everyone looked at Anjali who stood away looking at them in tears.

"Let her rot in hell" Akash cursed and Arnav nodded. They saw Anjali walking to them and said, "Chotte..."

"Don't call me that. I'm not your brother anymore!" Arnav said angrily. Anjali burst into tears and looked at Aarav.

"Aarav..." she whispered, seeing him alive after three years, "you're...." she raised her hand to touch his cheek when he backed off. "Don't" he said and she withdrew her hand and cupped her mouth to produce muffled sobs.

"Just go away Anjali" Khushi said in a tone that none of the inhabitants there ever heard her use, "Don't spoil our lives anymore!"

"Why can't you forgive me if you forgave her?" Anjali asked pointing to Sonali who stood near Akash.

Arnav scoffed, "You still haven't changed!" and he turned to others, "Let's go!" and they walked away ignoring her calls.


"Why have you brought me here?" Anjali asked to Ayan.

"Sir wants to meet you!" he said and made her sit on the small couch of the small tidy apartment.

"Sir?" she frowned and looked to her left to see someone entering.

"Chotte?" she gasped and stood up to see Arnav before her.

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