Chapter 25

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3 years later

Paris, France

7.35 pm

"And the award for the best businessman of 2019 goes to none other than Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada."

The host announced the whole venue applauded.

"ASR is unavailable right now due to his busy schedule. We have his son here to accept the award for him. Let's welcome Manav Singh Raizada!" the host said.

Manav walked into the huge stage smiling and accepted the award in the name of his father.

"Do you realize how embarrassing this is?" Manav asked on phone as he sat in the driver seat of his car where the award was placed on the dashboard.

"Embarrassing? Why?"

"Come on dad, you're busy romancing mom at home. You didn't have any meeting or appointments and still you sent me to get the award!" Manav said and started the car.

"Come on boy, you need a lot of practise in getting on a stage, accepting awards and all. After some years, you'll have to get on one to accept an award in your name, not mine! This is just a practise!"his father said laughing.

"Dad!" he whined.

"What? I'm serious. I still remember the day when I got on stage for the first time. I was so nervous. You shouldn't be nervous when you get your award!"

"How do you know that I'll get award?" he asked.

"Because you're ASR's son!" Arnav said proudly.

"I'm also KKGSR's son!" he said proudly.

"Huh, that is also right! Manav, now I don't think you'll get the award because most of your traits are inherited from your mother!" Arnav said.

"Is she near you?" Manav asked laughing.

"No she is...." suddenly the line went dead.

Manav laughed as he tossed the phone on the passenger seat. Clearly mom was behind him and heard his dialogue.

This means WAR.


New York

1.35 pm

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the launch of "The Unmarried Widow". Here we have the author herself before you....a big round of applause for Naina Singh Raizada"

Naina walked into the stage with Ritika along with her as everyone stood up applauding. She smiled at everyone and sat down with Ritika beside her.

"We'll have a press conference for 15 minutes. You can ask questions to her and Ms. Ritika Robert Christopher will here translate her sign language" the host announced.

"Ms. Raizada, are the rumours true that "The Unmarried Widow" is actually your autobiography?"

Naina signed with her hands and Ritika started speaking (translating Naina's language), "They are not rumours but the truth. The Unmarried Widow is actually me. It's all about the man who loved me and whom I loved!"

"Why do you call yourself an unmarried "widow"?"

"Aarav....that's his name. The man I loved and the man who loved me despite my flaws! Three years back he was killed....brutally murdered." Ritika spoke watching Naina.

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