In Kingstonshire

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"Fay! You can not decline this proposal!" my father Lord Godfrey yelled. I stared back at him. He sat perched on his throne. All high and mighty looking down at me.

"Father I will not marry someone that is 30 years or more my senior. I don't care if he is the Sheriff of the Kingston. I want to marry for love. I have only become of age to marry and there will be more suitors. Please father. Don't make me marry that man!" I walked up to the his throne and begged him on my knees. At this point I was crying. He just stared down at me. No emotion on his face, just those cold eyes that I have grown up staring at the last 20 years of my life..

"It has already been decided. I have sent word to the Sheriff this morning. He will be here with in the week then you will go to the Kingston castle and marry. You have no choice."

"But father please!" I cried out.

"Fay! Not another word. You are already betrothed. You will marry the Sheriff! Guards please take her to her chambers!"

"No! Father please!" I couldn't control myself. I fell to the floor. The guards pulled me from the floor and dragged me away from my father.

"And lock her doors. No one in or out until the Sheriff comes to retrieve her." He stood from his throne and walked out of the Hall.

"Father! Father!" I let my body loose and just let the guards pull me to my room. I am to be a prisoner in my own home. When we came to my chambers the guards walked me in and set me on the bed. I watched them walk out and lock me in. I stood up from my bed and walked to my vanity. I sat down in the seat and looked at myself in the mirror. My long brown hair frizzy and knotted because of my rage and crying. My carmel eyes surrounded by a sea of red and tear stains down my cheeks. "I have to escape." I whispered to myself.

Knock! Knock! Knock! I jumped in my seat and looked towards the door. "Fay. Please do not hate me. I am doing this for you!" my father's voice came through the door. I stayed silent. "I know you are angry, but I do love you." There was a pause.

"Father you know I love you, but I do hate you for making me marry that man."

"Very well, I love you Fay. I will send a guard up with a meal in the morning. Goodnight Fay." I picked up my hairbrush and through it at the door. It hit with a large boom. I let out a scream of anger.

"Hey! Quiet in there!" a guard yelled as he banged on the door.

"No! I want someone to talk to! Send me my servant girl, Mary, or I will continue to scream!" I yelled back at him. I wanted to ask her something.

"No one is going in there! King's orders!"

"Fine then I will keep screaming!" I screamed again in anger. Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Alright, already! She's coming now shut up!" the guard yelled in.

I threw myself on my bed and laid on my back and stared up at the ceiling. A minute or so later my door opened and shut quickly. I sat up and saw that Mary had entered. I ran over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"My Lady, why did you ask me here. I don't like seeing you like this." Mary shyly asked. I let her out of my grasp and set my hands on her shoulders.

"I need your help Mary."

"Me, how could I help?"

"Your not originally from Hull, right?" I went and sat back down in front of the vanity.

"Yes my Lady. I was born in Locksley,"

"Was it good there?"

"Yes, my Lady. The Lord Robin of Locksley is one of the nicest men on this earth."

"Oh. Then why did you leave?"

"My father heard he was going to the Holy Land to fight. When he heard that my father took our family out of Locksley, he did not want to live in Locksley if it was going to be ruled by a new lord. He would rather live somewhere new and with a new lord, than somewhere he loved and have it threatened to change under new rule." she smiled the whole time. She must have loved Locksley Manor.

"Is it possible that Lord Robin is still there?"

"Yes, my lady. It was just rumor when we left, although that was just over four years ago."

"Great. Now, please help me. I need to escape this marriage that I have been sentenced to."

"But how my lady?" I opened a drawer on the side of the vanity and pulled out some scissors.

"With these! Now please help me." 

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