Death in the Streets

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"Sir Guy! It's time to get out of bed." I opened the door and walked over to his bed. I laughed at how he looked. His mouth was slightly open and a leg fell over the side of he bed. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him. I grabbed the pillow under his head and pulled it out from under his head. He fell to the mattress.

"Oh..." he moved his hand to his head and slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. "What was that for?"

"You wouldn't wake up."

"So you pull my pillow out from under my head."

"Would you rather me of tickled you instead?" I joked. He glared at me. "What?" I walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a new undershirt and jacket. I turned around and saw him laying passed out on the other pillow. "Really!" I threw the clothes on to the bed. I grabbed the other pillow and pulled it out from under him. "Get up, Sir Guy!" His eyes opened and glared at me. "If you want to ride at first light then you need to get dressed." I walked over to the door and opened it. I looked over at him. He was propped up on his elbows. "Now." I said and I walked out of the room. The door closed behind me and I walked out to the lodge to fetch our horses.

I brought them out to the front of the lodge and held the reigns to both of the horses as I waited for Sir Guy. The sun had just started to peek over the trees of Sherwood. In the small amount of light I saw Sir Guy walk out of the lodge and over to where I stood with the horses. He took the reigns to his horse and mounted it. I joined him up on mine. "We are going to Nottingham."

We rode through the forest and finally arrived at Nottingham castle. We dismounted from our horses and we up the stairs of the castle. It was still early in the morning, but late enough that the Sheriff was up. The reason we always came to Nottingham. We walked through the halls and up to the Sheriff's study. Sir Guy stopped right outside the door. He turned to me. "Maven, I need you to do something for me."

"Of course."

"I need you to go to Pitts street."

"What for?" he stared at me. There was an emotion written on his face that I hadn't seen before. "Sir Guy?"

"There is a man that has a delivery for me and he can't come to the castle." This was weird.

"I will go."

"Good. I do not know when he will arrive, so go now and wait for him. Meet me back at Locksley when you have it. I will be there just after sun down." I nodded and started away from him and towards the stairs.

"Maven!" Sir Guy called an I turned to face him. "Be careful and safe."

"Sir Guy, it's only Pitts street." I smiled at him. What was going on? I walked back down the stairs and into the the court yard. My horse still stood there. I walked over and got a peasants cape from my saddle bag. I threw it over my shoulders and put the hood up over my head. I walked out of the castle and into the town. I wrapped the cloak tight around me and headed towards Pitts street.

I walked the street for about ten minutes when people were all moving towards the main road to the castle. I decided to follow them. I stood on the corner. Hidden behind a part of a merchants stall. The Sheriff, Sir Guy and Marian made their way to the front of the gates. The trumpets gave a brief fanfare and Marian started talking.

"People of Nottingham. On behalf of the Sheriff, I make the following announcement. The pestilence has come to Nottingham." What? The pestilence. My heart started to ache. This is the last thing that I wanted to be around right now. "Do not be afraid. It is confined to the houses in Pitt Street." Did she say Pitts street? "There will be a quarantine placed around the street." I slowly walked out of the shadows I stood in. Away from Pitts Street. "No one is to pass through without permission. No one is to pass food or medicine..."

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