Just a Plan

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 It had been a week since that night. Sir Guy went back to the beast that he was. No emotion when Marian's name was mentioned. He acted like that night never happened and I never brought it up. We never talked about it. It was something that was never discussed, and I knew it would never be brought to the surface. But I dreamt of it that night. The way he had kissed me. I dreamed that he had meant it. Had kissed me because he had feelings for me. Yet, when I woke I was faced with reality. I was his servant, partially his friend, but I will never be more than his servant.

The sun had just began to set as Sir Guy and I were currently on horse back riding up to Nottingham. It was going to be the first time we returned since the Sheriff's impostor King plan backfired on him. He didn't really think through the fact of Robin and Much showing up. They were the only two in the shire that had seen the real King. We arrived shortly and walked through the castle to the war room. Sir Guy opened the door and looked back at me. "I think it might be best if you wait out here." I cocked my head to the side.

"What?" I questioned. This was different from the last two years I was with him.

"Gisborne!" I heard the Sheriff yell from inside the room. "Bring him in!" Sir Guy sighed and signaled me to follow him. I walked into the war room behind him and stood just inside the door. Sir Guy walked over to join the Sheriff at the table. The Sheriff circled the table and stopped when he was across from Sir Guy. "Our plan has finally come together. After over three years of planning and preparation, it is happening. The Black Knights come together tomorrow. They join us here, in Nottingham." the Sheriff told Sir Guy. Who were the Black Knights and what were they planning?

"Have you told your little puppy yet?" he gestured towards me. Sir Guy shook his head and leaned up against the table that held a map of England. "Oh, come on Guy... if you were to tell anyone, he's the one to tell. I'm sure that he would be open to the idea. Give him a little something to look forward to in the future." The Sheriff walked over towards me. "Plus, it would be easier to keep him near you if he was fully committed and loyal to you. And it wouldn't help if he was completely loyal to me."

I looked up at the Sheriff. A little confused of what was going on. I was completely in the dark. "Go on then GIsborne. Tell the poor pup." the Sheriff walked away towards the fire place. He leaned the wall next to it and stared at Sir Guy. He looked directly into my eyes. He gestured for me to come up to him with his head. I walked up to him and he leaned back onto the table looked out at the map. I stood next to him on his right and looked at the side of his head.

"Maven, there was something bigger behind me going to the Holy Land. There is a group of us that want the King dead. He abandoned us to fight a war that is not ours. This group has gathered behind Prince John to make him the next King, and as soon as possible. The moment the King returns from the Holy Land."

"A plot against the king?" I questioned. Sir Guy jerked his head towards me.

"No! A plan for a king. A better king." I was not okay with this. My brother went to fight for King Richard in the Holy Land. My brother was loyal to King Richard. He was on the king's guard and died protecting him. That was just over a year and half ago. Just before my father decided to marry me off to the Sheriff of Kingston. I just stared at him. I didn't agree with what he wanted to do, but I didn't want to risk my life going against the Sheriff. I knew what would happen if I did. I would hang, or be sentenced to an even worse death. I closed my eyes and let out a quiet long breath.

"Sir Guy, I am and will always be loyal to you. I don't know politics. I trust every decision you make. If you believe that Prince John is the better option for this country I agree with you. I am loyal to you, Sir Guy." I did my best to hold my shaking voice with the words I was saying. It went against what I believed, but if I wanted to continue to be where I was I had to say what the Sheriff wanted to hear. I turned to face the Sheriff. "And I am loyal to you Sheriff." He gave me a menacing grin. I turned back to Sir Guy. "I hope that I have proved my loyalty to you over the last few years I have served you, Sir Guy." He smirked at me.

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