The Return of Lord of Locksley

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— One Year Later —

"Maven!" Guy yelled.

"Right here, Sir!" I responded as I ran up to him from the corner I was standing in. We were at the food store, where the Sheriff kept the grains and flour. Sir Guy had just discovered that there were ten sacks of flour missing, which like every other time something happened he would become a little ticked off.

"Get the horses! We are going to Locksley." His face always stayed in grimace. Especially around the Sheriff and the soldiers.

"Yes, Sir!" I ran to the Stables as quick as possible. I saddled the horses and quickly brought them to the castle courtyard. "Sir Guy!" I yelled to him since his back was turned when I entered.

"It's about time!" He took the reigns of his jet black horse and we started off towards Locksley.

Sir Guy and I had become close. Almost like friends I would think, but I don't think he would agree. I have seen sides of him that no one else has. He is a kind man, it's just hidden under all the vulgarness that has built up over the years. A man hidden inside a beast might be the best way to describe him. I was surprised that he hadn't found out I was a woman yet. I hope he never does. I wouldn't want to stop working with him. In some ways though I wish he would. I've taken a rather small fancy to him.

I looked ahead of us to see Locksley as we rode in. The guards pulled people out of there houses and into the streets. Sir Guy and I sat on our horses in the middle of the houses. When the people were out of there homes Sir Guy began talking.

"Ten sacks of flour have gone missing from the store. They will be found. they will be accounted for." Two guards pulled a young man out of his house along with several sacks of flour. "Who helped this runt?" Guy smirked down at the people. I did feel sorry for all of them Sir Guy was a vicious man, I knew. "Step forward now, I may show lenience." he paused. "No? The perpetrators will be found. This crime will be punished. Bring the boy."

A man stepped forward. He looked dirty and beaten up, he looked just like everyone else that lived in Locksley. "Wait." the man said, so confidently. "Guy of Gisborne." the man said.

"It is Sir Guy of Gisborne to you!" I called out from behind Sir Guy, he stuck out his hand telling me to be quiet.

"Bow to your master." a guard continued.

"Sir Guy of Gisborne." the man said as he jokingly bowed to Sir Guy. "My name is Robin, Earl of Huntingdon and Lord of this manor. Your services here are no longer required." So this was the Lord Robin of Locksley Mary had told me about over a year ago.

Sir Guy just sat there staring down at this man. The cold grimace on his face. Then the man that was with him put a robe of furs over his shoulders, everyone in the manor bowed to him. Something that these people had never done to Sir Guy in the time I had worked for him. Guy simply nodded his head and I lowered mine. Then Sir Guy rode of to the stables of the Locksley Manor. I followed after.

"Sir Guy!" I called after him as I tied up our horses.

"He was supposed to be dead. I thought he died in the Holy Lands." He paced the dirt floors of the stables.

"What was that Sir?"

"Nothing Maven. But now this means we live in the castle with the Sheriff."

"Yes, Sir."

"Come on. We must say hello to the Lord of Locksley." he looked directly at me and gave me and nodded in the direction of the front door. I followed right behind Sir Guy when we reached the front door he slowed his pace and stepped into the home. Thornton moved out of his way and I stood back by the door way.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now