A Long Week

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Sir Guy's POV

"Thank you Sir Guy of Gisborne, and forgive me." he whispered. I felt tears rolling down my eyes. My door slammed open and I looked up to see the physician walk in. "Help him!" I ordered. He quickly knelt down on the ground he began to un buckle his jacket.

"Go." the physician said. I looked up at him.

"I will not leave him."

"Go. I will save your servant, but I refuse to listen to you blubbering." I glared at him. I set Maven's head down on the floor.

"If you do not save him I will have you hanged." I told him as I exited the room.

I shut the door behind me. I didn't like leaving him in there like that. I looked down at my hands. Maven's blood. I was covered in it. I shook my head. I left him in there and he is dying. I knew that if I went in there then the old man physician may not help him and I refused to let him die. Instead I stayed outside and paced the hall. I was not leaving this spot, I was going to know the second, Maven was better.

Pacing back and forth for over an hour. I was growing anxious every second I stood out here. "That's it I'm going in there." I walked over to the door and stormed in. I walked over to the physician that was leaning over the bed side table, cleaning up bloody bandages and tools. I walked over to him. "Is he going to live?" I stood up and looked at me. "He will be fine. He is asleep and will be for sometime. He lost a lot of blood, and don't try to move him. I have placed him in the most comfortable way so he can heal. I had to use your bed, I hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not. Thank you."

"He must mean a lot to you Sir Guy." he grabbed his bag and walked out of the room.

"He does." I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. "I promise, I am not leaving until you wake up." I watched him as he slept.

I told him that I thought of him as a friend. He said that was all he wanted. I did smile at the thought, I never really had a friend. People pretended to be. Especially when I was younger. I had never met someone as loyal as Maven. Nothing would change how I see him. A loyal servant. A kind friend.


It has been three day and Maven still hadn't woken up. The Sheriff had called for me many times but I had the guards tell him that I had taken ill. I stayed in my room watching Maven. Talking to him as he slept. Telling him to wake up. I was standing at the end of the bed and leaned against the bedpost. I stared down at Maven. He moved. My eyes widened and I walked over and leaned over him I saw his eyes flutter open and squint in the light. I breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You're awake." I said. He opened his eyes all the way and smiled up at me.

"Yeah. You could say that."


Maven's POV

I opened my eyes to see Sir Guy standing over me. "You're awake." he sighed.

"Yeah. You could say that." I tried to sit up, but he put his hands on my shoulders stopping me.

"Don't move."

"What? Why?" I raised my arm to push his hands away but my strength gave out and I collapsed to the side and Sir Guy caught me. "Thanks."

"Physicians orders, and I don't want your opening that wound again." He laid me back down on my back and he propped a pillow up under my head so I wouldn't have to strain to look up.

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