A Man in Need (Forgotten Chapter.... Sorry)

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Sooooo. I went through what had been published and things got published out of order.... 


Anyways here is the missing piece that goes between "A Coming Return" and "Just a Plan"

Sorry everyone.... I feel absolutely awful...


We arrived at the castle and the sun was starting to come up over the trees in the distance. Riding into the castle we saw the Sheriff ordering around guards and and what looked like recruited archers. "We go now!" We rode up to the Sheriff who just mounted his horse.

"What's going on?" Sir Guy asked as we stopped next to him.

"The physician that we hired to 'look after you when you were ill' has just been recruited by Robin Hood. He left a trail of bandages in the forest to where they are. We get Robin Hood today!" He exclaimed.

Sheriff rode out of the castle and Sir Guy and I followed after him. We went to the forest and saw the first bandage. We continued forward and we kept coming across more and more bandages. We picked up the pace as we got farther and farther into the forest. Then the bandages just stopped. "He's here." Sir Guy grumbled.

"Robin," the Sheriff called, "Oh Robin! Come out, come out where ever you are1" he teased, and laughed. "You'r getting slack my friend. Could it be easier for me? If you led me by the hand to your little hide hole. A clue: no."

"Stand!" A voice called from the hill in front of us. Much. "Stand or we shoot." He aimed an arrow our way. John just stood there and glared. The Sheriff looked around for more of Hood's men.

"There are only two of you."

"Last warning!"

"How many do you think there could be of them?" Sheriff whispered to Sir Guy.

"A dozen or so at the most of the inner circle."

"And how many of the outer circle?"

"I don't know." the Sheriff looked uneasy as he turned back to the two of them.

"You seem to misunderstood me my friend. You do not have a bargaining position." he stopped. Nothing happened. No one moved. "Wait, why are they not running. Hood must be in there. Bored now. Kill them." The archers moved into positions as the Sheriff waved them forward.

"Take aim1" Sir Guy yelled. All the archers locked on to either John or Much as their targets. Before they could fire an arrow came down and killed a guard in the front lines.

"There's Hood! Shoot!" the Sheriff hollered. Robin came out of an opening in the rocks. He kept firing arrows. One nearly missed the Sheriff's head as he ducked. I stirred my horse out of the way of the arrows that were fired down at us. I saw the Sheriff crawling around on the ground mumbling about finding his tooth. An arrow hit the guard next to the Sheriff and he fell down right in front of them. More guards began to fall over dead. Archers were also shot and fell onto their backs. What was Robin doing? He didn't kill. What caused him to be like this?

All of a sudden a man came running down the hill waving a bandage in the air "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" he yelled. He must be the physician. "It's me! Sir Guy." Sir Guy looked at him. I moved my horse in the pause of arrows to move up to him. "Kill him!" Sir Guy ordered.

"I have always served you well."

"You've served your purpose. Kill him!" he turned to run, a black arrow pierced right through his back. I gasped and shut my eyes. It hurt me to watch people die. Even the guards. The Sheriff looked over at Sir Guy. He had finally made it back up on to his horse. "You're learning." he told Sir Guy.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now