His Secret

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It's been two weeks since I had been shot with arrows. Sir Guy refused to let me do anything. He secured a room in the castle for me. It was nice, better than the servants quarters that was for sure. It was right next to his, but I was not allowed to leave it. So I just sit on my bed. Waiting for him to come ask me to do something.

I was just waiting for him to come in and tell me to go join him on a ride. Or even stand in on a noble meeting. I paced the room. There was no more pain in my chest or in my side. The best thing that happened was that Sir Guy did not find out I was a woman. I was so scared that he would find out and I would be thrown in the dungeon.

"That's it. I am leaving this room." went to the door and opened it. Two guards stood in front of my door. "Oh come on! I'm fine!"

"Sorry, Sir Guy of Gisborne's orders."

"I know. I know." I began to close the doors when I saw Sir Guy coming down the hall. "Sir Guy!"

"Stop yelling." he walked over to my door. "You two may go." He dismissed the guards and stood in the door way. "How do you feel about going on a chase? Feel up to it?"

"Yes, Sir Guy." I huge smile speed across my face.

"Are you sure? There is no more pain."

"There has been no time for the last week, Sir."

"Good. Let's go."

"Where are we going, Sir?"

"We are going to catch Robin Hood. His men stole my horses."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I took off down the hall and looked back at him. "Well aren't you coming?" he gave a small smirk to me and started running with me.

When we got to the gates Sir Guy's men were standing there with both our horses ready. We both jumped on our horses and Sir Guy led us out of Nottingham and into the Sherwood forest. We rode through the trees and we stopped just a few hundred meters into the forest. Sir Guy motioned me to come up next to him. He pointed out into the distance. There was a group of men standing around a camp fire. "You ready for your first chase?" Sir Guy asked me. I nodded. He pointed his men in different directions. "You stay right next to me." I nodded in confirmation.

His men poured into the clearing and surrounded the men. When they had scattered Sir Guy and I galloped down to find Robin just standing there. Another one of Sir Guy's men came down and one of Robin's men came and knocked him of his horse. Robin took the horse and Robin's men magically took a horse out from behind a tree. "Sir Guy we should go after them." I said watching the disappear. "Don't worry that one that Robin's got has a marking in the shoe so we can easily track them.

We headed up a hill and followed the horse shoe prints when we heard talking in the distance, along with a baby crying. We slowly crept on them. They had finally noticed the markings in the horse shoe prints. "I'm not being funny here, but shouldn't we be moving on? They could be coming already." Allan said. said.

"They could be here already." Sir Guy smirked as we came up through the trees behind them. Sir Guy's guards came out from the forest surrounding them. The outlaws looked around nervous. Robin stood there holding the baby in his arms. "Master, what do we do?" one of Robin's men asked.

"What can we do? We do not believe in harming man or beast." Robin replied. I smiled. These men were weak. I looked over at Sir Guy and he was giving a mischievous grin down to the men.

"What?" Robin's man asked him. Robin pulled his sword and pointed up to Sir Guy and I.

"Vermin, on the other hand..." Robin continued. The rest of the men drew their swords and pointed them at the guards.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now