Two Shots, One Secret

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It's been just under a week since Robin Hood was captured. Then it was also a week after a group of men helped Robin escape and threatened the Sheriff. So, here we are in the middle of a noble's council. There was a new man standing in on the council. I hadn't seen him in the castle before. He looked to be important. His black beret, clothing, his posture, and the sword he carried.

"The villagers of Nettlestone report that Robin Hood killed an innocent bailiff today. This is marvelous isn't it?" the Sheriff informed the nobles in the room. "What drama, because now even his beloved villagers will lose patience when their heroes start picking them off. What else did they say?" the question was directed towards Sir Guy. I was happy I was still here, I thought for sure after what happened with Robin's questions I would most defiantly be sacked. It seemed that Sir Guy had forgotten all about it the next day.

"Hood was fulfilling a promise to prevent an eviction." Sir Guy answered the question. He and I had been in Nettlestone earlier today. It was a sad site. We had to bring back a boy from the family that was evicted, and the boy was to work in the castle. It was sad to watch the boy march all the way back to the castle on foot.

"Then Gisborne, what do you suggest we do?"

"Immediate reprisals against villagers." Sir Guy easily responded. It was the usual answer to any status death.

"Joderic would not want that." Marian intergected. "Why should more innocent people suffer because of his death," her father tried to silence her, but she continued on. "the same people who witnessed and reported the crime? Did this strategy of reprisals ever work before? No." Sir Guy glared at her. I knew he had feelings for her, but she did seem to get on is bad side some times.

"Marian's right." I turned my head stunned that Sheriff was actually agreeing with Lady Marian. I don't think that it has ever happened before. "We will not be going down that road again. Mr. Fourtnoy, alternatives?" I looked up at Sir Guy with a confused look on my face. He just motioned with his eyes to the man that started to speak.

"There is a political advantage to be had here. Hood has given us the high ground we should keep it."

"My thoughts exactly." agreed the Sheriff

"We could have town criers announce what's taken place, make sure everyone knows that an innocent was killed."

"Good. We are going win hearts and minds" Sheriff stood up from his chair and began to walk towards Sir Guy.

"My Lord, I still believe actions rather than words. If I had the resources, I could deal with them, I could hunt him down."

"Very well, we will do both and let the best man win."

Sir Guy glared at Mr. Fourtnoy. Then he walked out of the Council room. We walked out to the front steps of the castle where a group of people waited to see the bailiffs funeral. The Sheriff gave a speech about how he was innocent and how Robin Hood was a cold blooded killer. It was short and sweet, then Sir Guy and I made our way back inside. He pulled me around to an empty hall way.

"What is it Sir Guy?"

"If Robin Hood is killing people like the bailiff then there is a chance he will be coming to the castle."

"That is true, Sir."

"Take this." he handed me a small dagger.

"What is this for, Sir?"

"Something to protect yourself if you are ever in combat. When this is over I will get you a proper sword teach you how to use it." He turned and headed towards the castle courtyard again.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now