Taken Away

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 It was the King's birthday and I stood in the Hall of Locksley Manor as Lord and Ladies in the area gathered. Sir Guy was throwing the party in honor of the King, but I knew his main reason for having the party was to announce his engagement to Lady Marian. I stood in the back corner of the room, behind Lady Marian and her father.

"My Lords, Ladies and gentlemen thank you for your attendance here today. As you know we are here to celebrate the the King's birthday. We wish him success in the Holy Land, and we pray for his speedy return to these shores." Sir Guy announced. He handed a glass to Marian and her father. "Please, raise your goblets in a toast to King Richard."

"King Richard." Everyone repeated.

"I myself have a particular reason to hope for the King's early return to England, for when that day comes, this fair Lady, Marian, has consented to be my wife." People cheered and Sir Guy walked over to her and held out a ring. "Before I toast to my future bride, there is something that I would like to present to her. Marian."

"You leave me little choice."

"I thought you had already made you choice."

"I have. This means so much to you doesn't it?"

"This means everything to me. Have I not expressed myself. You mean everything to me" He took her left hand in his and slowly put the ring on her finger. He pulled up her arm and showed the room. "Lords, and Ladies I gives you, the future Mrs. Gisborne." the people cheered and an arrow was shot down and hit the goblet out of Gisborne's hand. I put my hand on my sword as I looked up to see Robin Hood standing at the top on his stairs. "Have we missed the speeches?" he asked as his men enter the house from all sides. One came through the front door and pointed his sword towards Sir Guy. I pulled mine and pointed it at the man.

"Hood, I don't remember inviting you." Sir Guy said as he motioned for me to put my sward away. I slowly lowered it and put it back in the sheath.

"Since when has a man needed an invitation to his own home."

"I don't know, since he lost all right to that house by becoming an outlaw."

"I would have declined anyway. My men and I are here on business. Please, everyone, if you could assist us by removing all your jewelry and valuables and handing them to that man over there. Much?" the man by the food was stuffing his face then turned and opened a bag. "And then proceed to that room where you will all wait quietly until we have left.

"Do as he says." Sir Guy instructed.

"Wise decision, Gisborne." the big man walked over to me and took my sword and shook his head at me, then threw it on the ground.

"This way please, my friends." Another one of Hood's men said.

"Look on the bright side," Hood announced, "know that your donations will be feeding the poor of Nottinghamshire by this time tomorrow. There was a knock at the door. "Signal." the big man said.

"Nearly done." Hood responded as he walked up to Lady Marian. Sir Guy reached for his sword but just had a sword pointed at him by the Saracen boy. I took a step up to stand next to Sir Guy. "So, Marain..."

"Back off Locksley" Sir Guy warned. "Marian does not carry money about her person." the big guy came up and put his stick to Sir Guy's throat.

"How do you know?"

"He is right. I do not carry money." Marian corrected.

"My compliments. You are very wise to take precautions when there are so many characters around, but this ring—"

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now