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Sir Guy looked at me then the Sheriff. There was concern and anger written all over his face. "Maven? No!" I backed up into the wall. No. This couldn't be happening. Sir Guy wouldn't let him hang me.

"He's a servant! Gisborne!" He walked away from me and the doors opened.

"My Lord, this man said you were going to see him." a guard said as Allan walked in.

"Not now!" Sir Guy yelled and pointed for him to go out of the room.

"Him then."

"Me?" Allan asked confused.

"Hang him!"


"No, this man works for me." Sir Guy objected. He was defending him!

"Well, aren't you popular."

"He was my spy in Hood's camp."


"Hood found him out."

"Well, he's served his purpose then hasn't he?"

"My Lord, he may still prove useful."

"You are not listening to me, Gisborne." He put his face right in front of Sir Guy's. "You get that lady leper friend of yours and you take her to see her new master, Lord Winchester. Then you pick your boy, or your puppy and bring him before me with a hood over his head!" he spat in his face and walked out of the room. Not before he ordered the guards to take us away. A guard came up to both Allan and I and held our arms behind our backs. I locked eyes with Sir Guy as I began to be dragged out of the room.

"Sir Guy?" I asked quietly. I was scared. He wouldn't let me die. He couldn't.

"Guy," Allan pulled his arms away from the guards, "hold on a second, let me say something here." The guards continued to drag me as Allan spoke with him. I pulled against their grip but couldn't get out. Guy, come on you can't be serious." He turned to face us. His eyes piercing and a look I hadn't seen n his face since this day last year. Fear.

The door was closing and shoved forward down the hall . I was breathing heavy and starting to shake. The Guard that held me didn't seem to care about how fast I walked. He was moving so fast I ended up face planting into the floor. From that point he basically dragged me to the dungeon.

My breath was ragged as I was tossed in on the dirt floor and the metal door locked behind me. I curled into a ball and silently cried. The events that transpired were something that I had never expected. But here I was, most likely waiting here till the sheriff wanted his hanging.

I laid on the cold dirt floor for what felt like hours. My cheeks tear stained, dirt packed into my hair, and cold air slowly creeping in under my jacket. I heard foot steps coming down the stairs of the dungeon. I didn't bother turning to see it was most likely the jailer doing his rounds. When I heard keys turn to pretended to be sleeping so I wouldn't have to interact with him. A few foot steps came towards me and stopped just before my body. My breath became shaky again, scared of what this person behind me was here for. I felt a hand on my shoulder as it turned me onto my back. Keeping my eye closed I tried to pretend that I was asleep, too scared of what would come if I opened them. I felt a hand cup the side of my face and thumb brush over my cheek.

Slowly I opened my eyes. They were met with the piercing blue I knew all too well. Sir Guys face wasn't hard as it normally was, his brow was scrunched in worry and I watched as a he let out a long breath and he dropped his head.

"Good your awake." He took his hand from my face and took one of my hands in his. "I was hoping the guard didn't knock you unconscious." He looked back up to meet my eyes. "Come let's get you out of here." He stood from his crouching position and held his hand out for me to stand. After a few seconds I took it and stood from the floor.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now