Today and Every Day to Come

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>Outfit given to Fay when arriving in Locksley<

It's been two days since I let Hull. I have headed southwest of Hull, towards Locksley. Mary helped me cut my hair, so I could look like a boy when I escaped and it would be easier to travel as a man rather than a woman. I was able to scavenge some extra clothes from Mary's brother who worked in the stables.

I continued on the path that I hope led to Locksley. It was getting late and the sun had about and hour till it set. I didn't want to spend another night in the woods. I looked up the hill that started to rise in front of me.. "Please let this be the last hill." I said to myself as a began the march up to the top. When I finally reached the top I saw a manor sitting below me. The lodge was closest to me. That's where I will go. I smiled to myself and ran down the hill. I slowed when I came to the lodge. I saw an older man walking towards one of the back doors. I quickly jogged over to him.

"Excuse me sir!" The man turned around.

"Boy what do you want!" I walked up to him, and dipped my head. Thank goodness he thinks I am a boy. "Go on boy speak."

"I'm looking for work sir. My mother died in the next village over. I couldn't bear to stay there wit her dead any longer. Please say there is work here in the lodge." I asked. trying my best to keep my voice lower like a man's.

"Boy. I don't know if you would like a job in this lodge."

"Yes, sir! I am willing to work."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir completely!" I need a job here. I know how a lodge works. I don't have any other skills to provide for myself I have to be here.

"Well then. There is one position open. We haven't been able to fill it the last four years." Thank the Lord above there is a job. Even if it is in the stables I would work.

"What ever it is sir I will take it!"

"You are an eager boy. What is your name?"

"My name?" I never thought of a name. A boys name, what is a good boys name.

"Yes, boy. Your name. You don't think that we can just call you boy now do we?"

"It's... It's M... Maven, sir. Maven Clay."

"Maven Clay of what?"

"Maven Clay of Hull sir. I was born in Hull."

"Well your family has traveled far, sir."

"Yes, sir."

"Well, the job is yours. Come with me." I followed the man towards the door.

"If you don't mind my asking, sir, what is the job?" I was still confused and a little scared for what I signed up for, since he wasn't telling me.

"You, Maven, are to be the personal manservant to Sir Guy of Gisborne. Should he approve of you. He has just gotten over being extremely ill. That being said let's get you changed into something more suitable for a man servant to where." A manservant. In Hull that was a high ranking for servants. It wasn't to the Lord Robin of Locksley, but Sir Guy of Gisborne couldn't be anything less. The older man opened the door and I followed him inside.

I followed him down the back hallway and he opened a door and let me in first. "Wash up quickly and put this on. I will be back in five minutes to take you to Sir Guy." he handed me a pieces of folded up clothing and left me in the room to wash.

I walked over to where a table stood I set the clothes down on the table. and walked over to where a bowl of water sat. I dipped my hands in a splashed my face with the cool water. I looked up into a small mirror that hung above the bowl. "I think that I may like it here." I smiled to myself and splashed my face with water again.

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