A letter

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I tossed the pillow back onto Marians bed. Little too much force as it knocked the others off of the bed. Going to pick them up I noticed a paper on the floor.

Picking it up I saw "Maven" printed across it with Marians seal. Sir Guy's footprints were gone, so I decided to open it.


    I know that you and I have only begun to talk today, and I don’t want to leave you clueless about what is going on. I write this in full trust that you will not divulge anything that I am about to write. So, first things first, I am with Robin Hood. He has taken me away from this place and into the forest. Do not let Sir Guy come looking for me. Knowing who he is he will want me back in the castle and will do almost anything to get me back. 

    Another thing, I still want you to help us in the fight against the Sheriff. I know it may be tough, but in the end it will be worth it. Now, I know the Sheriff is not letting you out of the castle, so I have gotten word to my old hand maiden, Sarah, she works in the kitchen. When there is information give it to her in a letter and she will get it to me. 

    Please be safe within the walls of that prison. If you ever get the chance to get out of the castle  I hope you find me. You have a brave soul and a kind spirit. There is a rebel inside of you, I can see it, but it’s flame has been smothered. I know you will change lives. One day I do hope you can drop your act as a man and be who you are. Maybe then hearts will change to new. 

Fare weil,

P.S. If you ever need to get something off your chest feel free to write it in the letters.

    I read the letter a few more times. Give the information to Sarah and that’s how her and Robin got it. It could work, but I fear that it would only get Sarah in trouble and the Sheriff would think that she was a traitor. I had to trust Marian though. Any information that I picked up on I would send her way.

    It was my time to step up and fight. Become the rebellious type that I used to be. Being a servant to Sir Guy definitely has pushed that part of me away. Maybe that’s why I have felt more alone recently. I had lost my self over the last two and half years. I had lost myself. I tried to find someone close that I could talk to and love. Maybe that’s why I fell for Sir Guy. Maybe I didn’t love him. 

Maybe I just had lost who I was and was trying to fill it with foolish love.


Hello there! I'm sorry for all the inconsistent updates. I've had a lit of this written for awhile and just forget to post and have had no motivation to write for a long time.

I am rewatching Robin Hood and it makes me remember the plans I had for this. And it honestly makes my heart happy. I don't know when I will post the next chapter, or if it still wanted.

Robin Hood is a tiny Fandom it seems like and the love for the wonderfully complex character of Sir Guy even smaller. This man deserves more than what he was dealt and thats my goal with this.

Hopefully I get the drive to write more soon. I have plans and story line that can go through all three seasons of the show. It is just a matter of motivation to write it.

Hope this little bit is enough for now. A taste for more to come.

I do love to hear what the readers think. This is for me as much as it is for you. I want to make sure you are enjoying reading this as I go!


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