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"The bottle!" she barely let out and her eyes started to close. No! She is not dying on me! I got up an went to the window. There was a small bottle laying on the floor. I went back over and sat down next to Maven. "Please God, let her live." I whispered as I opened the bottle and poured some off the liquid into her mouth. I pulled the bottle away and closed it again. I dropped it in my lap and looked at her. Her head fell to the side.

"No." She can't be dead. I didn't see her breathing. "No... Maven..." I picked her up and she hung loose in my arms as I pulled her up to my chest. I put my head in the crook of her neck. I started to crying and the tears rolled down my face. I started to rock back and forth.

    I held her like that for a few minutes. I had to set her down. There was no way for me to bring her back. Carefully, I laid her head back down on the pillow and set her hands on her chest. Maven was dead. I did this to her. If I hadn't sent her to Pitts Street she wouldn't be dead. She wouldn't have suffered. If I just had the courage to stand up to the Sheriff about not punishing her. I looked down at her peaceful face. I leaned down and softly kissed her lips. "I love you." I whispered with my eyes closed and my head just in front of her face. "I never lost my feelings for you." I gave her one last kiss and I felt a breath against my lips.

    Quickly I pulled away and looked down at her. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up at me. "Maven! You're alive." I said in relief. I picked her up in my arms and hugged her close to me. "I thought you were dead." I felt her arms wrap around me and I smiled into the crook of her neck. "I thought you had left me forever." I whispered past her ear.

"Well, I'm still here." she slightly laughed into my chest. I nodded pulled her closer into me. "Sir Guy," she sighed. "Can you let me go? You are crushing me." I loosened my grip on her but didn't let her out of my arms. She was dead and now she was alive in my arms and she was going to stay there. "Sir Guy. Please let me go." I looked down at her. Why would she want me to let her go.


"I am getting dizzy." I didn't realize.

"Oh." I quickly laid her down on the bed.

"Why did you send me to Pitts Street on a day that the Sheriff had planned that horrible ordeal?" She was hurt. I could see it in her eyes.

"Punishment." I told her simply.

"From the when I tried to save you?"

"Yes. The Sheriff ordered it."

"So you chose to risk my life, instead of a quick beating like you would of given any other servant." I stared at her. Did she think I was so heartless?

"I could not hurt you."

"Because I am a girl?" she spat back at me.


"Yes it is! Sir Guy you said we were to go back to how things were before you knew I was a girl."

"I know, but I can't." I looked directly into her eyes.


"i can not push away the feelings I have for you." I put my hand on the other side of her so I was leaning over her body. She turned her head away from me.

"Well, I have." she stated coldly. I started down at her. How could she? After I told her that I loved her and had returned it.

"What?" I asked her. I must have imagined it. there was no way that she actually let go of her feelings.

"I no longer have feeling for you. You told me to lose them so I did." she kept her head away from me. I hung my head. I thought that there may have been a chance that she still had feelings for me. "You will find someone else."

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now