New Life?

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We rode into the castle courtyard and we all dismounted the horses. I walked over and stood next to Sir Guy on the stairs. His head hung slightly low. Marian made her way into the castle. She looked hurried, so I guess she was going down to the dungeons to tell her father what had happened with Lord Winchester. Allan came up and stood right next to me. I wanted to jab him in the stomach. He didn't have to stand next to me. I took a deep breath and held in my frustration with him. The Sheriff stood in front of us. His eyes seemed to be focused on me. It kinda creeped me out, so I kept my head low as to not make eye contact with him.

"So, Gisborne it's time that you take your boy and give him his duties." I gave a small smirk. Allan had to go through his 'responsibilities'. Couldn't wait to see his reactions to all of it. "And I will take the puppy." I raised my head at the mention of what the Sheriff called me. "I've always wanted a puppy." I widened my eyes. What! Uh-uh, I worked for Sir Guy. The Sheriff couldn't just take me away from him. I looked up at Sir Guy.

"Sir Guy?" I asked.

"Go." his voice was hard and stern. He walked down the few stairs towards the horses.

"What's going on?" I asked into the air hoping someone would give me an answer. Anyone. The Sheriff walked up to me and turned me look to where Sir Guy was sitting on his horse and continued to hold my shoulders.

"Well, Maven, you see Sir Guy can't have a boy and a puppy that would just be a little bit of an over kill." He brought his head closer to mine. "So, Sir Guy gets to keep the boy and see if he is trust worthy." Sir Guy stared down at me. No emotion to his face. If anything there was scowl. His eyes were dark as they pierced mine. I took in a shuddery breath as the Sheriff continued talking. "And I get you as my puppy." I closed my eyes for a moment then looked back up at Sir Guy. His eyes still focused on me. It was another moment before he turned on his horse and headed out of the castle with Allan behind him, where I should have been.

"Oh, don't worry," the Sheriff let go of my shoulders stood next to me watching Sir Guy leave, "You'll still see him if that is what you are worried about. Nothing really changes. Oh, wait, except the fact that you have a different master." I turned to look at him, holding in my emotions, "Me." I nodded and he smiled. "Good. Now you know where the servants quarters is. Go on down and clean up. One of the castle servants will bring you something new to change into. I don't want more leather around me if I don't have to." He gestured to my clothes and I dipped my head. He clapped his hands together. "Well, meet me in the Great Hall at evening meal." He started up the stairs we will discuss things then, until you are free to do what ever it is you do." He called down the stairs.

"Yes, My Lord." That felt weird on my lips to say. With that he walked through the doors of the castle and they closed behind him.

I turned around and looked at the castle gate. I watched as it slowly closed. The metal bars acting like shears. Cutting me off from the life I was forced to leave. As soon as the bars met the ground the large door closed in towards the castle. Blocking my view of the town on the other side. My view of the only person who had stood up for me. Now I was stuck here in the castle and serving a crazy Sheriff. I took in a long breath, then made my way to the servants quarters.

Most of the servants in the castle lived in Nottingham so there weren't many servants down there now. The few cooks that were down there had just begun to make the Sheriff evening meal. That means I had at least an hour to get ready before I was to meet the Sheriff. I made my way down the small hallway and to where my now permeant room sat. I walked in and it was bare. The few blankets that I used on the occasional nights I used to stay here. I opened the chest at the end of my bed and saw the few jackets that I had set in here to store. I smiled down at them. They all looked the same and they all held memories. I didn't want to think about them though. There was no point. A new chapter of my life was starting. And to let it happen I had to let go of the past. Do what Sir Guy asked me to do that night at Dead Man's Crossing. I never let go of my feelings, and now was the time when it needed to happen.

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