The Loosening of Tongues

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The next morning I rode out with Sir Guy and the Sheriff to Locksley, for a "visit", as the Sheriff called it, with Robin. As we rode into the village there were three men standing at the gate, one of the did what Robin had done the first time I saw him and jokingly bow at Sir Guy. "Find out that man's name." the Sheriff ordered. "Maven go!" Sir Guy commanded. "Yes, Sir." I pulled off to the side of pack, so I would not get trampled by guards. I circled back around to where the three men where standing. The one the Sheriff wanted had moved across the rode. I stopped in front of the other men.

"What is his name?" I asked sternly, but I received no answer. I rolled my eyes and dug into my pocket for the pound Sir Guy gave me this morning for having his, the sheriff's and I's horse ready to go at first light. "One pound. The man's name!"

"Jacob. Jacob Ladden." the older man answered. I nodded my head and flicked him the coin. I galloped up after Sir Guy. The sheriff was already talking to the people about where Robin was. "Nobody knows. Then there is a reward. 20 pounds? Then all of a sudden somebody does know." I jumped off my horse and a guard took my reigns for me. I walked up to Sir Guy. "Sir Guy?"

"What is it Maven?" I looked down on me with a scornful look on his face.

"The man's name at the gate is Jacob Ladden." He gave me a small smirk and looked back to the Sheriff. I took a step back not to be in Sir Guy's way. No one had yet spoken up.

"Loosen your tongues or loose your tongues1" Guy yelled. Making the Sheriff and i both jump. Sheriff nodded at one of his guards who signaled two guards to walk out with scissors in their hands. The guards went and picked up the man to be know as Jacob Ladden. "Cut out his tongue." Sheriff ordered, "What was his name Maven?"

"Jacob Ladden, My Lord." I replied. "Great job Maven." I nodded. "So," Sheriff stepped forward, " one an hour till somebody talks." Then the guards pulled open the man's mouth. I turned my head away I couldn't bare the sight. It was ten times worse than a hanging.

We sat there for another half hour. The guards had brought out a chair from the Locksley Lodge for the Sheriff to sit in. It was the one the Sir Guy sat in the first time I saw him. My first night in Locksley. Guy leaned against the chair and motioned me over with his finger. "Yes?"

"Go to the Lodge. fetch a 1100 bottle of wine and three glasses."

"Yes, Sir." I ran off to the lodge and went straight to the wine cellar. I looked for a 1100 year bottle of wine. I finally found one all the way in the back of the cellar. I picked it up and grabbed three silver glasses on my way back out of the lodge. I ran as fast as I could back to Sir Guy.

I slowed to a walk when I reached to group of people. Sir Guy had started walking around the group watching them each closely. "Sir Guy." I said as I stood next to the Sheriff. His face was cold and stern and it didn't change when he looked over at me. "Gisborne poor the wine. It is getting warm out here and I am getting parched." He smirked at peasants sitting on the grass in front of us.

Sir Guy took the bottle of wine from my hands and I held the glasses as he poured. He poured the first one and handed it to the sheriff poured the second and third and took one. He put the glass to his lips and took a sip right away. "Sir Guy?" I asked confused on what to do with the other glass of wine. "Hmm?"

"The other glass of wine who is it—"

"Yours. Now drink." He said as he took another drink and leaned against the Sheriff's chair. "Thank you, Sir." He just tossed his chin in the air. I slowly took a drink of the fine wine.

"What a kind master you are to your servant Gisborne. Letting him drink the wine." He awkwardly smiled at the people in front of him. "Tick tock tick tock," the Sheriff took another drink of his wine, "Have I told you that I can not taste wine. I have the best, but I don't have the palate for it." Sheriff dumped the rest of his wine on to the ground. Sir Guy rolled his eyes and just sent me a look of annoyance. Sheriff handed the glass to Sir Guy who annoyingly took it. The Sheriff motioned with his hands that they were going to get tongues cut if they didn't talk.

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