Stay or Go?

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I waited by the gate for Marian. A peasant had let me borrow a hood from them in order for me to hide out of sight from anyone that would recognize me. It had only been about fifteen minutes since Marian had left and I could see someone riding up the path to Nottingham. As they came closer I saw that it was in fact Marian. She rode through the gates and dismounted the horse and tied him to a hitching rail. She walked to the opposite side of the street. I rolled my eyes and walked over to her.

"Maven!" she was whispering as she walked down an alley, "Maven, where are you?"

"Looking for something, my Lady?" I called after her. She turned around and pulled the dagger from her boot. She ran up to me and pinned me against the wall. "

"What do you want?" she questioned and put the dagger to my neck.

"Marian, it's me!" I pulled down my hood and her eyes widened.

"Maven!" she backed away and put her dagger back in her boot. "Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry. Did you get to Hood?"

"Yes, he's going to stop Allan and Guy before they get close."

"That's good." I nodded and started to walk back out of the alley.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to the castle."

"I thought we were going to talk."

"We will, but not in the open."

"Fine. My chambers." I nodded and we both started to walk to get my horse, then we headed back towards the castle.

The gates opened and closed for us and we walked up the stairs to to the castle. We quickly walked up to Marian's room. She opened the door and we both walked inside. I sat down on one of the chairs that was next to the table. I watched as she put a chair up against the door making it almost impossible for someone on the other side to open it. She walked over and sat on the edge of her bed facing me.

"So, I have to ask. Does Sir Guy know you are a woman?" I gave a sigh and nodded slowly. "You told him?"

"Well, not exactly." She gave me a questioning look. "Sir Guy and I went after him when we went after him when he raided Sir Guy's house on the King's birthday last year."

"I remember. I was there. He had you and Guy tied to a tree."

"Wait! You were there?"

"Yes, Much blindfolded you while I was there. So what happened?"

"Robin, he threatened to torture us, and he had a 'feeling' I guess you would say that I was a girl. He ripped open my jacket and revealed my bandages to him." She stared at me.

"So, Robin revealed your secret." I nodded. "Yet you still worked for him?"

"Yes, and no."

"What do you mean?"

"After you left him at the alter, he kinda kissed me and-"

"You kissed him!"

"Actually it was more like he kissed me, or threw himself on me."

"You've got to be joking." I smiled slightly and shook my head. "Please tell me you didn't fall for him. He's not what you think he is."

"I know. I've found that out and I why I want to join you. You and Robin Hood. I can't stand the way the Sheriff treats the people. I wanted to step out and do something, but I was to scared. The Sheriff declared that anyone helping Hood would die and I didn't want to risk that."

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