Playing with Hearts

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A week finally passed and Sir Guy and I were both back on our feet walking around the castle. It was perfect timing too. The Sir Guy's iron mine, Treeton, had a collapse and we were headed off to see the damage done.

We rode off early in the morning hoping to solve any problem, if any, before the Sheriff's Fair. When we arrived there was smoke coming out of all the shafts and bodies were being pulled out and over to where graves were being dug. We stopped a few feet back from all the people and dismounted from out horses. We walked up to the first group of people.

"We will not go down there again." one of the older men said.

"You will do as I say." Sir Guy easily told him.

"My brother is dead!"

"And your behavior suggests that you'd care to join him."

"We're on strike." Sir Guy glared at him. " 'Til it's built up proper, you're not sending a miner down to that death pit of yours again."

"You'd rather die here?"

"Yes." Sir Guy turned away from the man, just as the Sheriff showed up.

"They say they would rather die up here then go back down." Sir Guy told the Sheriff.

"Your giving them choices?" Sir Guy turned back towards the man and quickly pulled out his dinner then stabbed him. I jumped at the sudden action and closed my eyes before I saw the body fall. "Very good, Gisborne. I was worried that illness had clouded your mind." I opened my eyes and saw the Sheriff turned back towards the people. "Well enjoy the strike. Make you feel much better. Goodbye." he walked back towards his horse. "They are all sacked."

"Really? I thought we needed the mine working." Sir Guy asked as the Sheriff passed.

"Forward planning, Gisborne. There will be fresh workers arriving who will do as they are told." the Sheriff got on his horse and rode off.

"Bury this man with the others. His family will pay for the grave. They will not work. They will not be fed. Until I see fit. Anyone giving them assistance will hang. You are all sacked! Go home!"

Sir Guy and I both mounted our horses and rode off into the forest.

"What are we doing, Sir Guy?"

"We are going to catch and outlaw." Sure enough someone on horse back came through and gave a bag of food to the family that was deemed not to receive help. When the rider came our way Sir Guy came out and swung his sword at the horse. It bucked and the person fell of. "Nothing like a tragedy to bring out the do-gooders. Where is your leader? Where is Robin Hood?" the man said nothing. "Or are you alone. Does Robin Hood think himself too important to do his own mischief now?" the man still remained silent. "Hmm? A man of few words, no matter. I'm sure I will hear your voice when you plead for your life." Sir Guy stepped forward and cut the man's arm. "Not even an ouch. Ouch can cost you nothing, surely you could afford an ouch." With that the man hit Sir Guy and jumped on his horse. I chased after him but the horse was to fast for me to catch. I walked back to Sir Guy. "Nice try but I couldn't even catch a horse." We walked back into the forest to retrieve our horses. "We are going to Knighton Hall."

"Asking Marian to the Sheriff's Fair are you?" I asked mounting my horse.

"In fact yes." Sir Guy and I took off towards Knighton.

We arrived at the home and Sir Guy knocked on the door. Lord Edward answered it. "Come in Sir Guy. Marian is up stairs I will fetch her for you." Sir Guy took off his coat and handed it to me. I held his present for Marian in my other hand. I stayed by the door and he walked over to he fire place. I saw Marian come down the stairs and Sir Guy turned around. "Marian."

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now