A simple stew

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I walked through the halls of the castle, the evening sun just starting to hide behind the trees of Sherwood Forest, and I was coming out to the courtyard. It had been several days since Marian had left the castle and Sir Guy had taken a few men out to look for her each day. Yet he still hadn't found her. I knew he wouldn't, she would be with Robin and he wouldn't be able to find his camp, he hadn't for the last year. I rolled my eyes as I saw him enter the gates from another search. I walked over to the top of the stairs and he stopped at the top when he saw me.

"Has the Sheriff got any news?" he asked.

"No, just another empty day for me. Any luck with Marian?"

"No." he walked past me and into the castle.

I looked out towards the gate and saw that the servants from the villages were leaving. Again,I watched as the metal bars lowered to the ground, cutting me off yet again from the outside world. I slowly turned and walked back towards the castle. Stopping at the top of the steps I looked up at the sky and watched the stars dance from above. It brought back memories of the long nights in Hull I used to spend on the beach with my brother and sister.

We used to lay in the sand and watched the light from the stars bounce off the waves of the ocean. That was many years ago before my brother went to fight the Holy Land. Before my mother died of pestilence. Before my father started drinking. I shook my head as I felt tears form in my eyes and I walked through the doors of the castle and into the gloomy atmosphere of this place.

I heard a commotion coming from the Great Hall. I wandered towards it and the noise grew louder. There was a clanking of swords, which made me walk a little faster to the room. I walked into the room and stood on the balcony above the main floor. I saw a guard fighting a man in all black with short blonde hair. He was wielding two swords and the guard was struggling to keep up with the man. The Sheriff was leaning on the railing in front of me watching the duel take place below. I walked up and stood slightly behind him.

"My lord?" he turned to look at me.

"Ah, Maven. We have a chance at killing Hood." I stepped forward and stood next to him. "Get some sleep tonight, it's going to be an exciting day tomorrow." he clasped his hands and turned away from the railing walking into the depths of the castle.

I looked down at the man fighting again. The man threw the guards sword out of his hands and didn't hesitate to run the sword right through the guards chest. I took a step back and covered my mouth holding in a gasp. The man pulled the sword out of the guard and he collapsed. The man looked up at me as he put his sword back in his sheath. His eyes were cold and they didn't leave mine I slowly back up towards the door and turned when I reached the door way. I ran down the halls till I came across a small side staircase. I sat on the stairs as I ran my fingers through my growing hair.

My breath was shaky, and my whole body was jittery. I couldn't process what I just witnessed. That man killed someone he was dueling. A practice! He didn't even hesitate when he ran his sword through him. I covered my face in my hands and tried to recover my breathing. That's when I heard footsteps coming from down the stairs behind me. I stood up quickly and leaned against the wall. Taking slow deep breaths to calm myself down. The foot steps drew closer and turned my head to see who it was.

"Maven?" it was Sir Guy. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing. I'm just..." I drifted off. I folded my hands in front of me and I rubbed the top of them as I looked down.

"Maven, what's wrong?" He walked closer to me. i turned away from him and looked down the stairs.

"Nothing. I'm fine. I should head down to my room."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2020 ⏰

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