Just a Gift

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"Maven! Hurry up we are late." Sir Guy yelled from the edge of the courtyard. He had taken me out into the fields to train with him in combat. He had gotten a little more protective of me the last few days. There had been a few close calls with chasing Robin Hood. I was getting good with a sword, but no where near Sir Guy's talent. "Right here. Sir Guy." I met him in the door way to the courtyard.

"Sir, these two wanted to meet with you." A guard called from the castle entrance.

"What is it I am already late?" He asked on the stairs to the castle. I stopped right next to him and saw that it was a young couple. "What do you want?"

"We seek your blessing and permission to marry, My Lord." the young girl asked.

"Are you prepared to pay for my blessing and permission?" the girl nodded. "Come closer." She walked up the steps to Sir Guy. He picked the necklace the girl wore off her chest. "This?"

"My mother gave it to us as a token of our engagement. It's the only thing of value I have in my family."

"Oh, that'll do nicely. Turn around." He bit his glove to take it off and untied the girls necklace. He handed it to me before we went into the castle and to the Great Hall.

Right after we entered the hall, a man in a yellow jacket entered. He said that while he was working outlaws stole his items and carriage. "An outrage!" the sheriff complained. "An innocent man robbed whilst going about his legitimate business."

"I need more guards." the man said.

"Out of the question." Sir Guy responded.

"You shall have them."

"And a carriage and horses too." Sir Guy scoffed at the man.

"Of course." the sheriff agreed. With that the man left. "He makes profits we get our taxes. Was it a coincidence that Hood knew George's whereabouts. Clue: no. The question is: how?" Sir Guy looked as the Sheriff and I started walking around to be behind Sir Guy. "We have a spy amongst us. Do you know what we have to do to catch a spy?"


"I set a trap. Or, rather you set a trap." the Sheriff stood and left. I walked over to Sir Guy. There was a knock at the door and a guard walked in. "Lady Marian to see you Sir Guy." He nodded and I made my way back out of the way as Lady Marian walked in.

"Lady Marian. I have a gift for you." Sir Guy said as she came up to him.

"There is no need for gifts Sir Guy."

"Please turn around." She nodded and he waved me over to him. "The necklace." he said. I took it out of my pocket and placed it in his hand. He took of his gloves and laid the necklace at here collarbone. "Do you like it?"

"Yes. I do, but—"

"It's simple silver. You have no need for gold or gaudy jewels."

"But really I can not accept it."

"Why not? Have I insulated you?" He stopped and she said nothing. " You don't like it. It's to plain to simple. Take it off."

"No. I like it. I will treasure it." I rolled my eyes. She didn't mean any of the words she saying and all i anted to do was take my sword and...

"A gift of friendship." Sir Guy said.

"And I am grateful." One of Sir Guys men came down the stairs.

"You wanted to see me. Sir."

"Maven. Will you please wait for me outside." I nodded and exited the room.

Yes, Sir GuyWhere stories live. Discover now