A New Job

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It had been three days since I began being Sir Guy's servant again. The beast was back in his body. There was no sign of the man any where in him. It pained me to see the man gone, since I had seen him just three days ago with all of his guards down.

But today it was a few hours after mid day, and we stood in the middle of the forest. Three archers were lined up in front of a man with a metal chest plate on and his hands bound. I stood behind Sir Guy and a black smith stood behind him. I watched the man in front of me. He was in trouble no matter what happened.

"Fire!" Sir Guy commanded and the archers fired at the man. The arrows bounced right off the chest plate. Sir Guy walked up to him.

"I told you it would work," the black smith said. "Nothing can penetrate my armor."

"Nice work."

"What else did you expect?" Sir Guy pulled a dagger out and set the hand holding it on the man's shoulder.

"Unfortunately. This secret can not leave the forest." He stabbed the man in the back and I turned my head towards the hill so I would not watch the man lose his life. On the hill I could see small heads poking up above the hill. Oh no. One of them moved and I could hear it, which meant Sir Guy heard it. His head jerked up towards the hill and he saw them. "Get them!" He yelled and the guards jumped on their horses and ran after the kids. I got on my horse along with Sir Guy and we went after the boys.

We chased them through the trees. They ran through bushes that our horses couldn't go through. "Go around!' Sir Guy commended. We turned our horses and galloped around to the other side. I could see three boys running away up the trail. The guards in front of us surrounded them and pulled their swords. I stopped at the front of the group. "Maven, tie them up." He rode of in the direction the boys were running. Probably to see if there were anymore of them.

I jumped down from my horse and pulled rope out of my saddle bag. The guards got off their horse, and moved in with their swords still drawn. I wrapped the rope around the boys and sat them down on the ground. I didn't want to do this. I knew what would happen when Sir Guy came back. They were going to die. I didn't think that Sir Guy would kill them himself, but he would have someone do it. As I tied the rope around in front of the boy with blonde hair a looked at me. Fear in his face. His friends were also scared. When I finished the knot, I looked into the boys eyes. I gave them a slight smile, "You will be alright," I whispered as I stood up from the boys and walked over to my horse. I saw a guard walk up to them and begin to draw his sword. "No." I said sternly. He turned and looked back at me.

"You have no authority over me."

"No, but Sir Guy does and he may want to question them when he returns." He gave me a stern look and shoved his sword back into his sheath. I let out a small sigh as he walked away. I heard a horse coming up to us and saw Sir Guy coming towards us. He jumped off his horse and walked over to the boys.

"So what were you doing up there?" Sir Guy questioned.

"Nothing, Sir. Just playing." The blonde one told him. "I'm Robin Hood."

"What? Playing a loser."

"We didn't see anything, Sir." Sir Guy walked up to him and bent down so his face was right in front of the boy's.

"Didn't see anything? Why would you say you didn't see anything?"

"We won't say anything, Sir."

"You can be sure of that." I grabbed the rope that held a piece of tree bark around the boys neck and pulled it so it snapped off. A guard pulled his sword, and was about to swing at the boys when Sir Guy grabbed his arm. "Wait, we can use them. Send them to the mine."He tossed it to the ground and walked over to where I held his horses reigns. The blacksmith pulled up behind us with his cart. "And send word to the Sheriff. Success, finally." He spat the last word at the blacksmith. We both mounted our horses. "Bring the boys to Locksley to be transported to the mines." The guards nodded and gathered the boys for transport. They put the boys in the black smith's cart and we started out towards Locksley Manor.

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