Day of Nightmares

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I sat in the forest. Looking up above me I saw that my hands were bound above my head and tied to a tree. No not again. This could not be happening again. I looked around me. There was no one there. I closed my eyes and shook my head. No way I was captured again. I opened my eyes again and he stood in front of me. Robin Hood. He looked crazed like the day he held Sir Guy and I captured.

I tried to pull my hands through the ropes that bound me. It did nothing, but put cuts in my wrists. I looked back at him. He now held the red hot sword in his hands. "No!" I yelled at him. "Don't do this!" He walked towards me and I pushed myself up against the tree. "Please!" I begged as he stopped a foot away from me. He said nothing, just held up the the sword so the heat was beating onto my face.

Please God. Don't let him do this. I pulled my head away from sword and clenched my eyes shut. I waited for the pain to come. I expected the heat to scorch my skin. It did not come. I slowly opened my eyes just to see if he had gone away. Instead of being met with nothing, I saw the sword in my face. My eyes widened at the sight. A second later I felt the heat as he touched the sword to my cheek. I screamed out in pain. "Aahhhh!"

"Maven! Wake up!" I heard a voice above me. I opened my eyes to see Sir Guy standing over me. I sat up quickly and scrambled in the blankets covering me. "You were screaming in your sleep. I tried to wake you but nothing was working." I looked past him and noticed that was in laying in his bed. He must have let me sleep here since I fell asleep.


"What happened?" He sat down on the side of the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I looked down at my hands.

"Let me guess." I slowly raised my eyes up to meet his. "It's been a year. Nightmares can be expected."

"Nothing happened."

"Maven, Robin nearly branded you." He put his hands over mine and gave a slight squeeze. "A lot happened that day."

"I shouldn't be having nightmares though."

"Let me guess. They are worse than what actually happened. The thought of what could be is more terrifying than what did happen." I nodded. "They are nightmares will go away. Maybe something good on the same day may take away the those memories." He gave me a slight smile.

"What do you mean?" Sir Guy stood up and walked over to the door.

"Freshen up. We ride for Nottingham in five." With that he left. I took a deep breath and threw the blankets off of me, through some water on my face and headed out the door.

I made my way up to the front of the lodge. Sir Guy sat on his horse waiting for me, so I mounted mine as we took off towards Nottingham. The ride had grown to feel short after the thousands of times that we had gone back and forth between Locksley and Nottingham. We arrived in the courtyard. "Fetch the Sheriff's scribe and meet me up on the battlements." Sir Guy ordered as he pointed to up between towers. I followed to where he pointed and saw the Sheriff standing up there. He was staring down at us. Watching us like a hawk from above.

We both dismounted our horses and walked into the castle. The scribes room wasn't far from the entrance to the castle. Sir Guy walked in the opposite direction I was going. I was soon in front of the scribes room. I knocked on the door. He opened it quickly. "The Sheriff wants to see you." I told him. He came out of the room, shut the door and locked it behind him. "What do you have to lock the door for?" The scribe shook his head and pointed to his throat. "You're mute?" He nodded. I smiled at him. "Come on. Can't keep the Sheriff waiting." I turned and started for the stairs in the tower that would lead right up to the Sheriff.

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